
How did yahoo get it's name?

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what does "yahoo" name actually mean?




  1. "Yahoo" is actually an happy exclaimation.  It can mean "I made it", "Success!" or "Yipeeee!"  I guess Yahoo got its name cos people are happy when they see results from their searching.  I could be wrong though!

  2. The Web site started out as "Jerry and David's Guide to the World Wide Web" but eventually received a new moniker with the help of a dictionary. The name Yahoo! is an acronym for "Yet Another Hierarchical Officious Oracle," but Filo and Yang insist they selected the name because they liked the general definition of a yahoo: "rude, unsophisticated, uncouth." Yahoo! itself first resided on Yang's student workstation, "Akebono," while the software was lodged on Filo's computer, "Konishiki" - both named after legendary sumo wrestlers.

  3. iuno...


    YAHOO i got my name YAHOO

  4. It means Yippee!



    It is a word that conveys excitement!!

    I really can't tell you any more than that except that I wish I'd been the brilliant one to come up with the site, because I'd be a billionaire by now...

  5. there was no meaning in yahoo, till today everyone recognize it as a web engine.

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