
How did you and your spouse or boyfriend or ex agree on how many kids you wanted?

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I want 4 but my current boyfriend wants 2. We have been together for 6 months. We don't plan on having kids until like 5 years after marriage. But I'm curious to see how you decided. All answers are appreciated =).




  1. A lot of times people don't plan, it just happens the way God intended.  What if you can't have kids or you have a rupture while giving birth and have an emergency hysterectomy?  I think you shouldn't worry so much, let it come naturally.  When you have 1 kid you might change your mind.

  2. Don,t use birth control and leave it up to god.

  3. We havent and I dont think we ever will, lol. Its not a big problem in our marriage, but my husband wasnt 3 or 4 and I am dead set on sticking with our 1. If he wants more he can get pregnant himself.

  4. I already had my son when i met my partner and we never really talked about how many we wanted anyway 4 years down the line we have had a son together and we have both decided that 2 is a nice number as we can still do what we want financially without struggling and its not that hard when we want a night out as most people don't mind babysitting 2 children.

  5. you know you are going to marry him when you have only been with him for 6 months. wow. me and my husband have talked about kids and how many we will have we already have one she is adopted so we want at least 3 of our own.  

  6. We talked about it before we got married, and agreed on a rough figure, but once marriage and kids happen, and all kinds of other situations in life, your opinion changes and your husband's might too.

  7. we didn't we let god decide for us

  8. Well both of us had niece's and nephew's and we really wanted kids.

    so we talked about it when I was pregnant with my daughter Madison and we decided on 3 after she was born. But were not having anymore for a while.

  9. Both my husband, Matt and I had lots of brothers and sisters. Matt grew up with 6 siblings, and I grew up with 7. And we both knew we wanted kids. We decided on 5. :) When I got pregnant with my "fifth" child, it actually turned out to be twins. When Addie and Emma (the twins) were about a month and a half old, I got pregnant on accident. I was on BC, too. Turns out~~twins again. They were delivered at 23 weeks due to many complications. When I was about 17 weeks pregnant, my husband found out he had a 13 year old daughter. Her mom had cancer and was on her death bed. She came and lived with us. So, that bumped our number up to 9 kids. The 'new' twins, Shane and Gemma lived, and are about 2 months old. But they're still in the nicu. :) But will be coming home in a few weeks. We're D-O-N-E!!! LOL. Plus, I don't think my body can handle anymore.  

  10. I decided, he accepted, of course I was already pregnanty by then, LOL

  11. Alex you're a smart man


  12. well i have one, and i want 3 more. he only wants 2 more because of today's' economy he doesn't really want a large family. i don't like odd or prime numbers so i want either just one more (wouldn't be satisfied) or 3 more (perfect for me). but we shall see. i keep telling him that it would be perfect if we had a boy and then had a set of twins...i would be happy.

  13. I left it up to her, since she'll be the one who has them.  She wanted four, so I agreed.

  14. well we are still working on that. my husband and i got married with an understanding that i wanted 3...we just had our second and he told me he is done. i am heartbroken but we agreed on an IUD instead of a vasectomy. after a few years if he still feels as strongly as he does now that two is it i'll have to live with that. i have a boy and a girl so i can't complain. at least we agreed to wait to make a decision and found a good birth control we could both feel comfortable with in the mean time.

  15. When we dated we dreamed about a  family of 4 kids.  But as we suffered through 3 miscarriages and infertility, we decided that we are very happy and satisfied with our one child.  We are both on the same page of being a happy family of 3.  Pregnancy/childbirth was not kind to me.  In the future, we may consider adoption of an older child, but we have plenty of time to consider our options.

  16. We decided to start out with just one kid and decide from there if we wanted (and could afford to have) more kids. We ended up with twins and both agreed that they're enough LOL

  17. We flipped a coin and are now up to 7 kids.

    I've recently have started seeing another woman on the side and she wants kids. I suggested the coin toss but she wants to settle it through bowling. She wants kids as well as my wife wants one more. I could have 10 before I am done!

  18. We decided not to have kids when we were 17, because we both came from big families, and thought we would have enough niece's and nephews to last a life time. We do. That was 5 years ago,  and I'm pregnant with are third child ! ! ! I guess these things are meant to happen, no matter the circumstances so who knows how many we'll have? lol. x x

  19. hehe



    I'm no parent, but it's all give a little, take a little.  communicationnnnn

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