
How did you choose your career?

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Some careers are not as obvious for a child as wanting to become a Doctor, Lawyer, Fire fighter, or Policeman. Some careers are hidden from a child's dream, but exist and are profitable.

I've seen instances where a person would get 3-4 certifications, along with a degree, plus specialized training - just to get in to a position.

I wonder, how in the world does this person know that they are going to like what they are getting into.

If you are in a career that took some time to specialize in, or to obtain a degree of some sort, I want to know why, or when you decided that you wanted to go with your career choice.

Did you choose your career, or did your career choose you?




  1. I've worked for 11 years in the financial services industry.  I studied finance as an undergraduate with a minor in Japanese. I then went on to get an MS in Foreign Service (international affairs), trying to diversity my background to differentiate myself from lots of other business majors looking for jobs on Wall St.  

    I happened to interview for a role in operations, which is one of the lesser known areas of the industry.  I took the job because there was an opportunity to train in NY and then relocate to Tokyo, where I wanted to work to practice my language skills. I didn't fully understand the job, but figured that the firm was a good one and the job in Japan was ideal.

    It turned out that I really liked the work that I did, but I enjoyed working in NY more so than Tokyo.  So after a year in Japan, I applied for a transfer back to NY and have been working here ever since.

    I feel like I chose my industry, but the job chose me.  

    May people whom I have interviewed over the years are often inspired by a class that they enjoyed, a professor who inspired them, or an internship / job that they held before or during college.

    If you don't know what you want to do, that's ok.  There are lots of people in the same boat.  The best advice that I can give is to try a few things out, and see what inspires you.   And believe just a bit in destiny :)

    That's my story...  

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