
How did you choose your date to be married?

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Was their any particular reason for choosing that day?.. Any interesting stories?




  1. We chose a late setpember wedding. the weather is less humid where I live, slightly cooler, and less rain!

    our day it was 74 degrees, and sunshine :)

  2. Well, we chose the month and week because we wanted my fiance's children to be able to attend and that is the week they spend with us every year.  However, this is a decision we now regret because it conflicts with their soccer schedule and now their mother will not let them come anyway.

    We picked the day because it's a destination wedding and we wanted people to have to take as little time off of work to travel as possible, but also because it is a Thursday and we were able to save a lot of money with vendors by choosing an off day.

    Not sure if it's interesting but that's my story.

  3. Wedding date Aug. 22, 2009.

    My future in-laws picked it. The wedding will be here (Wyoming). FH is from Canada. His parents own a cattle farm there and we needed a date that they could leave the farm for some time. Late August is in between their harvest and haying season there.

    Not sure if I would pick a different date or month. I love the summer months and want my wedding on a nice sunny day!

  4. March. I'll be off from school,Spring Break week.

  5. We are getting married on September 27th, and we chose the date because his parents' anniversary is September 25th, and my parents' is September 26th, and now ours will be the 27th.

  6. Honestly, it was a week that both the hotel and church were free.  It helped that it was the one year anniversary of our engagement :)

  7. Well our date is 04/04/09 and here are the reasons why we picked it:

    04/04 is the day we met exactly 10 years on the day of the wedding.

    04/04 - it's a cute anniversary date

    But the most important reason of all - We got a GREAT deal from the reception site. :-) Money was the main reason why we picked the date.

  8. I knew I wanted to be married in June and the church we were getting married at had the first 2 weekend in June booked...and June 21, 2003 was the first available date in June!!!

  9. we started dating 3/3/03 so I found 8/8/08 fitting

  10. There was no magical reason I chose the date.  It was the only date that the Church and the reception hall were both available.

    But to make it interesting, I found out that it was the same date that my parents got married back in 1973!

    Why did I not know that, you ask?

    Well, when I was young, my mom left my dad, remarried and had her new hubby adopt me.  She never told me a single thing about my father.  While I was recently looking up my father's family tree, their marriage date was on there and I was shocked.  My mother didn't say a word about it.  To her, he does not exist.  

    What are the odds that I would unknowingly choose the SAME date that they chose back in 1973 without even realizing it?????

  11. We chose August 18th because that was his grandfathers birthday who would have be 90 years old on the day we married.

    His grandfather was very special to all of us.

  12. A specific date wasn't important to us. We only got engaged in June.   We're getting married either the 29th or 30th of December.  Originally, we were getting married in late January, but with so many of his important relatives already coming up for Christmas from Louisiana/Texas,  we moved the wedding up.  Getting married in the a.m. with a lunch reception is workable because weekends and evenings are just totally booked.  Everybody who is important to me can get either day off, so that isn't a problem.

    I have always wanted a winter wedding, so this worked out well.

  13. We knew we wanted a fall wedding. We had chosen late Sept. or early Oct and ended up thinking Oct 6 since the end of Sept. was my dad's 60th and we were throwing a big party for him. Then when we finally chose the reception hall that date was unavailable but the next week was open. The church was also available on that day and when we went to the travel agent the honeymoon we picked ended up leaving the following Sunday so the 13th just worked better for everything we wanted. It also gave our guests a break from my dad's party since many of the same people would be attending both affairs.

  14. I choose my Grandparents wedding anniversary.  I love that we were able to get married on their anniversary!! It's so special!

  15. We originally wanted to get married on December 6th.  We have both always thought that was a beautiful and festive time of the year and not too close to Christmas.  However, some of the family had a conflict with our date because of business.  So, as much as we didn't want to we changed our date to November 29th.  However, I think this date will be better.  It is the Saturday after Thanksgiving, so most people will be off work for a few days.  Most of our out of town guests (over 1/2 the guest list) have told us they will be there, so we are excited in that we are going to get a good turnout!

    Also, our wedding date is exactly 2 weeks after my fiance's birthday, so there is no way either of us will forget it!

  16. Our wedding date is 7/26/08...three days!!! We chose this because my great grandparents whom I'm very close with, that is the day they got married....50 some odd years great grandpa has passed away and my great grandmother will be there...shes 94! We couldnt think of a better date to share with two people we love very much!

  17. I picked September 5, 2009, because we met on September 5, 2002, and literally went on our first date that same night.  We've been pretty much inseparable ever since, and we have celebrated our anniversary on September 5 every year since we first got together.  I wanted to keep our same anniversary date, and next year is the year our special date falls on a Saturday, so I decided to hold off and get married next year, even though we've been engaged since this past January.  (That will be a 20-month engagement when all is said and done.)  Furthermore, I'm planning the ceremony so it starts at 4:00, because that is approximately the time of day that we met.  Our wedding day will be our seven-year anniversary of being together as well, and that means the world to me!  (It means a lot to my fiance as well, because he won't have to suddenly remember a new anniversary date, LOL)

  18. we choose 3/20/10 orignaly but decided to do it sooner, so we thought sept would be nice so i said the second weekend, when we went book it they already had that date book but 9/26/09 was still open so we bumped it to that weekend instead...

  19. My husband was in the Army so the date chose us.  

    He was in California getting ready to go to Germany.  After a year there he was going to Viet Nam.

    So we decided not to wait and get married before he left for Europe so I could join him there after the wedding and spend our first year together there.

    I had 6 weeks to plan the wedding.  His father's birthday was October 26 so I picked that day.  I loved his dad and I figured no one would forget our anniversary. lol

  20. We wanted to get married on August 1st 2010 in Malta, because this is the date we met (in 2003).  However, turns out it's kinda hot in Malta in August (up to 40 degrees!) so we opted for a cooler month!

  21. 6 days after Valentine's... kind of wanted Valentine's Day but that was my grandmother's 75th birthday. Either way It was great my colors were pink and red.

  22. pick the date because of weather

  23. I chose mine because it was the most convenient time to take off work.

  24. I choose what was convenient for all my family to come.

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