
How did you choose your favorite club?

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Because it represent your city?

Because your favorite players play there?

Because of the way they play football?

or without any special reason?




  1. I picked Arsenal because Fabregas plays there and because the soccer they practice is fast, 1st touch, and entertaining.

  2. Because i was born in Liverpool .. so ive always supported liverpool

  3. My Dad and brothers were Londoners,

    They all support Chelsea,

    I decided to join the bandwagon and have been supporting them ever since.

    I had a load of respect for the club after Jaspar Gronkjar was pleading to the referee not to send one of the opposing players off as he wanted to play a proper football match.

    So yeah.

    CFC rock.


  4. Because I am a Mancunian and well it goes with the territory as I grew up/live in the red 9/10ths of the city.

  5. I originally came from Liverpool and i am the third generation of Everton fan in my family so i did`nt really get a choice but i have never regretted it  and i never will.Once a blue always a blue.

  6. i follow chelsea as Gianfranco Zola was a true legend around the time i first started watching football. find a player you like to watch and stick with that team through thick and thin. KTBFFH!!

  7. I dont really remember, i was so young, i guess it just picked liverpool.

    Saw them play a few times, a friend ask who i support so i picked liverpool. done.

  8. The first and best team i ever seen COYB .   feed the yak and he will score

  9. all of them except the last one lol


  10. I watched them once, and i liked the team...

  11. I support Lens because one time, they beat Arsenal at Wembley and they're still the only team to do it. And now they've been relegated.

  12. probably because I used to listen to my grandmother shouting for Liverpool in her rocking chair

  13. My dad lived next door to a couple from Liverpool when he was a kid who were avid Liverpool supporters. They got my dad into football and made him a Liverpool fan, so when I was born I was pretty much holding a Liverpool scarf in the hospital ;) I had no say in it! But I'm glad it was that way :)

  14. Because your favorite players play there

    Because of the way they play football

    also i support Italy so it's only fitting that i support Juventus i just saw them and then boom that was my team.

    not sure but i think the first time i saw them play they lost but not sure anyways they are my team for life

  15. Because my favourite player plays there and the way they play football.I don't support teams just coz they are on the top of the table,i think that is kinda go for your team all the way!

  16. Because of my family.

  17. Funny story actually. It was after the 2004 Euro Cup. I followed Portugal throughout the tournament and after it ended I wanted to see more of Ronaldo (I was quite charmed by him back then, ew!) So anyways, near the beginning of the season I saw ManU vs Arsenal on TV and decided to watch it. After watching 15-20 minutes, I was extremely impressed with the way Arsenal were playing. I found myself willing them to win so you can imagine I was quite happy when Adebayor scored the first and only goal of that game. From then on, I have followed Arsenal and only Arsenal. Even though I don't live in London yet (I'm moving there next September!) I believe I am a real fan and I find it irritating when people say otherwise especially considering the early Saturday morning games I get up to watch, all the merchandise I purchase and the fact that I saved up last summer to go to London and see a game:) (best day of my life!)

    I also got my brother into watching them and he is now a huge fan as well. Funny, even my mom who isn't very into sports loves watching the Arsenal play.

    Anywho, that's the story lol.

  18. My Dad and Brothers are United fanatics, so I guess I was always gonna support United.

  19. Most of my family is for Liverpool.  My uncle and my brother were for Everton.  So, since i obviously have excellent taste, I too chose Everton.


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