
How did you chose a name for your child?

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I named my son Rio-Sarantino as his first name and his middle name is Jake. He's two. I named him Rio because it's unusual and a sweet but cool name and Sarantino and Jake I gave him as well because that's what his mother wanted to name him. His Mother died.

How did you chose a name for your child?




  1. I discussed names with everyone and got ideas with my first. My Mum suggested Finn, and I called him Finley. His middle name is mine and his Dads Grandads' name: Eric

    My second, me and his Daddy spent a whole day attempting to agree on a name and eventually chose Caleb. His middle names are Stuart (his godfather) and Richard (my Stepdad)

  2. I chose Old Testament names for my children:




    My brother chose New Testament names for his children:





  3. I don't have kids but my dad liked the name Diane Ashley but my mother didn't like that order so she just switched it and named me Ashley Diane. I am not named after anyone, just some names that my parents liked I guess.

  4. Oh wow, I've never heard of a name similar to mine. My first name is Leland-Tarantino. I use Leo though. And my middle name is Ricardo  My Mum was Italian so that's where they came from although she made Tarantino up it means strong, fair leader and tino means small and kind.

    I love your son's name. My parents are dead , I never knew them so I'd probably name my child after my them. My father was Ricardo-Mario and my mother was Camollai- gaeniro  

  5. i named mine jake after 5 days of the poor lad having no name coz we couldnt decide on 1 we both liked, middle name after his grandad

  6. i adopted him and kept the name he had.

  7. I like Rio, its cool.

    My son Oscar Harrison was named after Oscar Wilde, My Husband is a huge fan of his work and George Harrison because we are beatles fans and our first dance was to While My guitar gently weeps.

    My daughter Beatrix Josephine was named for Beatrix Potter, who was my favourite childhood author and after my mother Joanne.

    My second daughter Isla Juliet was named after a great grandmother, and for Shakespeares work.

    My husband and I had a few names picked out that meant something special to us and then chose what suited our babies the best

  8. My son was named after my father-in-law (tradition, i'm cypriot), my first daughter was named after my mum (again, tradition) and my youngest daughters name was one that we chose.

  9. When I found out I was pregnant with my son (didn't know he was a boy at the time) the first thing that popped into my head was "if it's a boy i'd love to call him Jack" he's not named after anyone in particular and I hadn't been reading any name books it just came into my head and stuck with me until the day he was born when i found out he was indeed a boy.

  10. Benjamin after Benjamin Bunny (Beatrix Potter is a distant relative)

    Ruthie from the book and film Housekeeping

    Esther from Meet Me in St Louis and Beth from Little Women.  

  11. I like your son's name.

    When I name a child the first name will be one that I like, and the middle name will probably be one of significance, like a family name. All of the names will have to flow well together, look & sound stylish and the initials should not spell at stupid word. For instance, my surname begins with the letter O, so as much as I like the name Patrick Oliver, the initials POO would be embarrassing.

    I have wondered about using the name that a close friend who passed away wanted to call a future child, but I'm not sure if it's appropriate.  

  12. Name out of a hat.

    Nah, just kidding. I haven't got any kids.

  13. with my kids, the names just came to me and stuck, cant explain it

  14. We plan to name our first daughter, Dakota Gayle because Gayle is my middle name and my mothers middle name.

    And my mothers first name starts with a D.  So they will both be DG - its to honor my mom really.  

  15. Found out I was having a girl when I was 22 weeks pregnant.

    My partner loved the name Courtney so we had that for her first name.

    Her middle names are Mae Rose which is after my partners' nan who had sadly recently passed away

  16. I am going through the name choosing process now.

    My rules are - no unisex names, check initials - ie first with middle with last, first with middle, first with last, spell the name backwards, does the name rhyme with anything?, go to a playground a yell the name out, ask children what potential teasing may occur from the name, say the name out loud over and over, potential nicknames, spell the name how it sounds, check the meaning of the name, but most importantly, agree on the name with my partner.

  17. I didn't choose my son's name. His name is Micah Timothy and I adopted him 14 years ago when he was 3.  

  18. I have two boys, David and Benjamin

    MY ex husband wanted David as that was his middle name and regardless of anything I said, he registered him David John, I liked Jonathan when I was having him and my Grandad who died was called John

    I liked Lewis for my second and again my ex was having none of it. I also liked Benjamin as a second choice and he allowed that.

    I was able to go on my own to register him so he is Benjamin Paul because he was born on his godfather Paul's birthday.

  19. Well I chose a book from my bookshelf and opened it on a random page and then the first word i saw was "Delicate" so i named my child Delilah because it began with a d


  20. it just came into my head as a child i thought one day when i have kids i will use this name as i liked i did hes now in his 30s

  21. I would say I drove my husband nuts 3 times choosing names. Actually 4, we were pregnant with twins and lost them, but we kept the names we chose when we got pregnant with out 3rd child. I hunt for names that I love and think the little person inside me really is. And I look until I find one that fits. It doesn't bother me if the name is retro popular, if it's who they are then so be it. But each time I named my kids they were names that weren't so popular, something I just ran across and loved, and within a year they became popular....but my oldest her name has slowly died down.

  22. i waited till they were born then gave them names that suited them

  23. i picked a name that i liked  

  24. Well, I poured through all the baby name books, considered family names. Then found one I loved in one of the books-it was Irish(which is the only ancestry my husband and I share)Also, wanted a name w/the first letter of my husb,my Mother-in-law started that tradition, she had died and I wanted to carry it on..Then the middle name is after my older brother who I lost as a teenager., and his name starts w/the first letter of my name!

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