
How did you come up with your child's first and middle name?

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My son's name is David Antonio

David- after the little cute kid in the movie "AI (Artificial Intelligence)

Antonio- after "Antonio Sabato Jr." He was so hot in that episode of charmed that I saw while I was pregnant




  1. First name: mine and my fiancee's choice... Plus, I am Irish so that influenced it a lot.

    (i.e. Ayden)

    Middle name: an obvious choice... For nine generations now the first born boy has had the middle name Thomas.

  2. I was going to name my last one Piper Olivia after "Charmed" and "Law & Order SVU".  I was just screwin around one day and came up with it.  My hubby thought it was corny to name a kid after TV characters but what does he know anyway?  If it was a girl, I got to pick the name and he got to pick for a boy.  We has a son and he named him Joseph Maxim II after his great-grandpa.  Every 1st born son for generations has been named Joseph on his side of the family, and I loved's very gladiator.  We call him "Max".

  3. Her first name is a name that my husband's father (who died when he was 13) would have named my husband if he had been a little girl. Her middle name is his mother's middle name and my great grandmothers first name. So basically, her name honors family all around. But it is still unique enough for our tastes.

  4. For my first I let my sister name her.  She can't have kids of her own, but I did have to agree on the name.  We agreed on Hannah Nicole.  I had a hard time with my son.  I scanned those stupid baby name books and one sleepless night I saw Caiden (we spelled it Kaden).  I really liked the name and said something to my DH and he said he was okay with it then I said something to my MIL and she flat out hated it so it stuck :)  His middle name is Jacob since that is what DH wanted to name him all along.

  5. Well i named my son after my brother , he is the only one in my family i care for and Matthew i choose because i love the name

    Brandon Matthew    , Ive been told i named him 2 first names but i think the sound good together

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