
How did you cope with childcare in the school holidays?

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Would you like to have a nanny?




  1. I saved up the vacation days so I could be off and enjoy it with the kids.

  2. u have loads of s*x at night

  3. This week I've had my own two as well as my neighbours two girls. They both work every day and it's been a nightmare for them since the maternal grandparents moved to Scotland.

    They put them in a club for a week and it was horrendous. Tears and so regimented they were scared. So I've had them this week and they are a pleasure to look after anyway but regardless whether you have family around or not I have always passionately believed -" There is a special place in h**l for women who don't help other women "

    There is no need for all the heartache and these crappy 'kids clubs' who get paid money for old rope. It should be like it was in our grandmothers day..All muck in together.

  4. I'm lucky as my partner is a teacher!  At the moment my little one is at a nursery which only takes a 2 week break in the summer a week at Christmas, but there will be times in the future when I'll have to take leave to cover differences between my partner's holidays and my little one's holidays.

  5. Well I'm a stay-at-home mum; one of the things that's put me off going back to work has been how to cope with childcare during the holidays.  But reality bites, and financially things are more difficult now, so I am going to have to start working again!  I am hoping to work from home, so I should be able to juggle things a bit.

  6. I am lucky to be able to work from home so I can take care of my children myself.  I meet with my boss once a week and cos my mum has the school hols off she watches them for 2 hours a week while I have my meeting :-)

  7. I didn't work, we went on holiday.......

    I need one now by myself......  :)

  8. Easily My only daughter left school in May.

  9. No I'd hate to have a nanny!

    I think I'll cope ok when my son is of school age

    His dad get's 4 weeks off at summer around the same time as the kids break up and the other couple of weeks I could juggle between me and his grandparents

  10. Luckily i have very good in - laws as i'm sometimes at work from 6am - 8pm. When they aren't available for the full days he goes to sports clubs etc, which he enjoys.

  11. I am very lucky that my eldest is old enough to babysit for me (he's 18) on the odd days I have to work, he doesn't mind because he gets paid for it and its not everyday, I only work part-time.

    No I wouldn't like to have a nanny.

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