I'm still dealing with intense, but not very painful contractions which turned out to be an 'irritable uterus' , so basically false labor.
I'm not dilated, my baby is head down, but hasn't 'dropped' yet, so he is well and truly not ready to come! (At least I don't think, after all I am no doctor)
My question is, at what point does this 'irritable uterus' start making real contractions?
Ideally, I'd like it to be still a few weeks away, when my baby is due, and I have absolutely no intention to try the s*x/walking/nipple stimulation magical hoo-hah to make a baby pop out faster, but realistically, how soon (or late) has labor begun for you after having this?
Thanks for your help, I'm a first time mum-to-be and just would like to hear how others have dealt.