
How did you decide to have a third child?

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I am one of two children. Unfortunately I lost my older brother on 9.11.01. SInce he passed I feel reaaly alone. I don't want my children to ever feel this way. THerefore, I am contemplating having a third but I am afraid that it is for the wrong reasons. I always wanted a third growing up but two is a lot of work. I don't want to have a child just because I feel alone. How do you decide? I feel like something is missing but eveything will become harder with three; space, babysitting, money etc. WHAT SHOULD I DO?




  1. I understand what your saying, i really do. I don't have any children of my own yet. but Ive often thought of how many i wanted and why. i keep going back and forth between 2 and 3. at first i said 3 because thats how many my mom had. But Something Ive noticed over the years, two's company, three's a crowd. It really is true. 2 kids often play great together, but with 3 one is often left out. my mom had 2 boys and a girl, the girl (me) being the youngest. so most often the two boys played together, and i was left out, or sometimes one of them would play with me and the other was left out.  But you know, we all turned out OK, I would have loved it if my mom had just one more kid when i was little, but honestly if she did, i prolly would have complained about having a bratty little brother or sister.   Alot of people have just one kid, and they turn out OK.  Having another kid just so one of yours wouldn't be lonely prolly isn't the best reason. The question is, do you want another kid, just because you want another kid, and you just think this is a good excuse?    

    Ive decided that i personally would like to have 2 kids, a couple years apart. But what i want and what actually happens will prolly be completely different. because when i think of having 2 kids, i think of having a boy and a girl, if the first 2 are both girls, I'd prolly wanna have another to see if it would be a boy. or if it just happens..  know what i mean?   Having another kid is a hard decision, and alot of things have to be thought about, but sometimes things just happen, ya know? and as far as space, money, babysitters, they all seem to just work themselves out.  

  2. All 3 of my kids were unplanned but I love having 3 kids and the only way I would ever change it would be to add to the brood. If you have the monetary support and it will make your family happy go for it. Good luck on your many decisions to come.  

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