
How did you end up in YAM?

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How did you end up in YAM?




  1. i duno i also dunno i actually dunno cuz i never know...

  2. I did a search on something. It lead me to Daun Ketum's question. His questions were so funny I answered it laughing my heart out thinking he was crazy. Then I clicked on "Malaysia" and found more crazy people. Yam ! I got hooked !  

  3. one interesting question linked me here... my one answer leads to many.

  4. when everybody clone clone clone clone clone

  5. it was a question from yuan in Y!AP that had something to do with a question from Y!AM.  it brought me to this link and i come and go whenever i feel like it or when i find interesting questions i could not resist answering.  to be truthful, i find yammers witty, funny and intelligent answerers - sometimes even better than my compatriots.  ssshhh...this is just between you and me, okay?  lest i get branded as traitor by my own kind. hehehe....

    anyway, thanks for asking.  i feel relieved because i feel i am an interloper, have been an interloper but the way i see it, with some of you taking time to answer my could mean i am welcome.  am i?

    add:  yuan, u have to include angry young poet in our conspiracy otherwise he'd go rat on us.  hehehe...

  6. By accident

  7. ...after getting bored for 3 months in the Science and Mathematics section....

  8. I'm still asking myself the same question..

  9. Theres one person who suggest me to join tis..

  10. Not even a clue how..............

  11. I was and still is, a regular of YAP and YA China.  Then i looked at other YA sites, specifically Asia Pacific, out of boredom.  Here at YAM, I posted a Q, i.e. if English is the medium of instruction in Malaysia.  My Q did not sit well to a lot of u and I got insulting as well as condescending answers, lol!  I was particularly irked at princess Kathy's answer.  So again i posted another Q asking what Q's are supposed to be interesting in YAM.  Again, varied answers la, some witty, some insulting, some stupid, heheheh! That is just like my personality! To make the long story short,  I got addicted to YAM,  and here I am, I always go to YAM first, then go to YAP as an afterthought, lol.  Annabelle, sssh, let's keep quiet, ok?


    Kathy,  *hugs*.  I enjoyed our chat lah!  As I said, you are a revelation -- a deep-thinker like Gabby *winks*

  12. yahoo sent me the link to YA via email

  13. i got d same dream about YAM for several first, i juz ignored d dream but it keeps haunting me. now, here i am..answering ur q. (d dream gone after i signed up as a YAMmer..)

  14. hello tellmetellme...  this is such an interesting question :)

    Myself ending up in YA!M was purely coincidental :p  ...I was actually searching for some travel forums for me to tap on the resources, as I am planning for a trip overseas...  This time I am going alone, instead of my loyal buddies...  so wanted to check out more about the security issues and other impt issues for a single traveller...

    then.....  ta daaaaa!!!

    I 'bump' into YA!M.... and my life has been enriched by the many wonderful people here everysince :)


  15. when they said I'm a clone.

  16. I can't find interesting questions to answer in the Philippines section. So I travelled to every section in Asia Pacific and I ended here!

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