
How did you explain to your kids where babies come from?

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How did you explain to your kids where babies come from?




  1. My oldest daughter was present when her sister was born.  She was three.  We had her watch lots of videos ahead of time so that she would know what to expect when mommy was in labor.  When she asked how the baby got in mommy's tummy we told her simply "Daddy put the baby there"  When she's ready for it we will tell her more details.  During the birth she had Grandma there as a support person in case it got too intense for her.  She did just fine.  She wants to be a midwife when she grows up.

  2. a nice softcore "action"

  3. Just say that ' it's a process and you'll find out about it when your older"

    Good luck    :p

  4. just say

    "they come from a tree

    the daddy put seeds inside the tree and then the baby comes out from the stem and then we pick you"

  5. I haven't told my kids yet but I remember how I found out. I was probably 7 or 8 and I just asked my mom. She told me about the man's sperm and the woman's egg. And then I asked how the egg and sperm got together. She told me the truth-that the man's part goes into the woman's part. I was totally grossed out. I am glad that she told me the truth. Even though I thought it was gross at the time, I understood what happened and it was good that we had our own health discussion before 6th grade in school.

  6. I just had a baby and my daughter who is almost 4 didnt really ask she knew it was in my stomach and i had to have a c-section so she knew they cut the baby out and that we had to go to the hospital to have it. I'm hoping it is a while before she starts asking a bunch of questions

  7. Babies come from God. Point Blank!!!

  8. I haven't gotten to that point yet but I was watching ' A Baby Story' on TV one day and my 3 yr old(now 4) caught a glimpse of it and now thinks babies are pooped out.Needless to say when I had my second daughter she went around telling everyone that " Mommy pooped out my baby sister" and now says the same will happen with this baby sister I am pregnant with now

  9. I don't think it does children much good to lie to them. I know a lot of parents do this--they make up stories about storks and flowers and whatnot, but your child will eventually learn that this isn't true and will feel deceived. I know that sounds kind of dramatic, but that tends to be the feeling that comes up when kids realize their parents have lied to them.

    I really believe in being honest, with censorship. Babies come from a mommy, when she loves a daddy very much.

    If a child sees a mother pregnant with a second child, they will notice that her belly has grown. I don't see anything wrong with telling them that the baby is in there. I wouldn't say where it comes out, obviously.

    Good luck. Oh, the trials and tribulations of parenthood!

  10. I told them the truth. It was much less confusing that way. My twins asked when they were 4 almost 5 and I told them something like "Inside mommy there are eggs, and daddy has sperm and when they meet when making love mommy get pregnant with a baby". Then my daughter asked how they came out and I told them that too. You just have to be honest with your kids. There is no point in sheltering them from the truth... just leave it appropriate without s*x details and what not... though if they ask like my kids did how the sperm gets to the egg... just tell them. They can understand a lot more than you think.

  11. I explained it to my children using a book on their level.  One that's available now is "Mommy Laid An Egg" which uses humor to make it easier.  While it's not necessary to go into detail, it's important that you tell your children the truth, because doing so makes it much easier to talk with them in junior high and high school about why s*x is something for adults - it leads to babies!

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