
How did you feel at 15 weeks pregnant? ?

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How did you feel at 15 weeks pregnant? ?




  1. sick.

  2. I felt excellent, my morning sickness had stopped and I was full of beans. I was on holidays too so that might've helped hehehe

  3. I felt like c**p I was sick all the time but it went away around 18 wks but my baby is all worth it

  4. When I was 15 weeks I was so tired and never wanted to do any thing but that changed at about 18 to 20 weeks and I was very hungry like ever half hour to an hour

  5. I was just getting over about 6 weeks of feeling sick all day.  I found that I felt the best (and I kept it down) was raspberry cordial which was icy cold.

  6. lets see at 15 weeks i could not c**p !! i was bitchy and really tired all the time i havent been sick once ... lucky i guess ... but then like by week 17 i had more energy for a little bit but manly ive just been really tired through out this pregnancy ...  

  7. Bored actually! I wanted to feel my baby move so bad and I didn't. I had to wait 3 more weeks and then I started getting so excited about pregnancy.

  8. If you asked me at the time, I probably would tell you that I felt bloated and fat.  But, in retrospect (and knowing what it feels like to be truly big), that was one of the best times of the pregnancy!

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