
How did you feel before you went into labor??

by  |  earlier

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I have been in early labor for a few days now at least i think i have... i have been having really bad menstrual like cramps they just aren't regular yet and i constantly feel like i need to the restroom... but since yesterday i have been so uncomfortable the cramps are getting worse and i feel like im going to have this baby soon... did you have a feeling that you were going to go into labor or did it just happen? what were your tell tale signs that it was going to be soon? i just have this feeling like it will happen either today or tomorrow. i hope im right... o yea last week my doctor said i was 2cm dilated and 75% effaced if that matters at all




  1. i know how you feel! i've been 2cm for almost 2 weeks now, i lost my mucus plug almost 2 weeks ago, the baby has been at 0 station for a week, i've been having contractions on and off for the past two days, i'm just ready to go! i'm soo uncomfortable all the time, i can't sleep at night, i'm emotional all the time, i just can't wait to get this over with, LOL. i know i don't have long, it's just the wait that is killing me! there is no telling how close we are, all we can do is wait!

  2. I have been at the exact same situation as you for the past 3-4 weeks and I'm still pregnant.. The pressure and cramps is just your baby dropping and your body slowly dilating. Hate to tell you but it could still be awhile..

  3. I was a week over due and to be induced on a monday, friday I had an appt with my dr and had a stress test that said I had a contraction.  Since i'd never had one I didnt know.  I was nervous the whole day until it actually started later that day.  I was dilated for 1 cm for  like a week.  I was a little constipated the few days before but otherwise I felt fine.  But this baby!  Man I've had every symptom in the book, and I am still a week away from my planned c-section at 39 weeks.  I am miserable!  Good luck!  Sounds like your getting close!  

  4. oh gosh...flashback! lol...actually, my water started leaking...thats when I first knew...

    then it literally broke everywhere...

    but since not all women are that 'lucky' to have their water break, some of my other symptoms were slight cramping. i think i was 90% effaced when it finally happened.

  5. Every body and labor is different. I have had 6 kids and each labor was different. It could be the baby dropping and getting in position, or it could be early labor. How many weeks along are you? I would say to call your Doc. He would really be the only one to tell you for sure. Good luck!

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