
How did you feel....?

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How did you feel when you first heard about 9-11?




  1. numb

  2. I froze with shock.

  3. no words could ever describe, god only knows how people felt in america

  4. I am an American, and your're right dizzydi, I cant even describe it.

  5. Being an Australian, I was totally devastated, shocked, horrified, angry, scared & felt absolute compassion for the people in the US. We are thousands of miles away but believe me, it effected us immensely, you guys are our very close friends and we mourned along with you.

    One year, one month and one day later on October 12th 2002, when the Bali bombings happened, we were brought very much closer to terrorism ourselves.

    We are all human and all suffer along with you to this day.


    Our support has hopefully been shown by our constant presence in Afghanistan, Iraq etc by our Aussie troups.

    We all want the same thing at the end of the day.

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