
How did you feel when you found out you were having a girl??

by Guest66927  |  earlier

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I had my first sonogram today, and found out that we're having a baby girl. Praise God, I'm really excited! Then I started thinking some things. It makes me want to work hard and be the best mom I can be. Maybe because I'm a female, but I know how it is growing up. I want to provide her with the best I can, love her as much as I can, and guide her as much as I can. I remember everything from when I had my first cycle, and even though I'm married now, I still know how boys are, I was dealing with them just a few short years ago. I guess what I'm asking is were you a little nervous when you found out you were having a girl? I guess I just feel like I want to be all I can be for her.




  1. It's natural feelings for the opposite gender you've never had. It's new and you want to give her your best, as you would all your children.

    Maybe because you're excited about this new thing you've never experienced before. New feelings and things to think about and do when she's born.

  2. I think these feelings that you are having are just a sure sign that you are going to be a wonderful loving mother who gives her all. Congrats on a girl!

  3. :)

    i am super extra excited !! i think that she will be my best friend ever and that we will have a lot of history together!

    i do get concerned at times but i have time to think abt these things :)

    BUT i suggest you not to set ur heart on it as in keep in mind that there still is a chance to have a boy :)

    my friend went to three different scans where she has been tols that its a girl (she already had 3 boys) and she was super excited and all but it turned out to be yet another boy and the poor soul was in total shock and disbelief for several, just keep an open mind :)

  4. you will be a great mommy.

  5. Madly in love.  I had always wanted a little boy and I could have sworn that was what they were going to tell me I was having but sure enough I have a BEAUTIFUL little girl.  The second they told me I was having a girl I wouldn't have wanted it any other way.  Little girl are so much fun to dress up and play with, they are the most precious gift from God.  you want to do everything you can to be your best for the little miracle you carry inside of you, or at least that is how I felt.  My daughter will be 4 months on the 13th and is my world.  They grow and change so quick!  Take lots of pictures!

    Get a 3d/4d ultrasound at about 29 weeks, you will be so in love and it is way worth the money!  CONGRATS

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