
How did you find your gynecologist?

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Were you referred, or did you ask around, or look them up online?

I don't have a family doctor and no insurance but I need to visit the gyno really bad. Is there a reputable place online with like doctor ratings? Weird question I know but I have no idea how to go about this.




  1. My best friend told me about her doctor, so I called and made an appointment.

  2. I asked around. My girlfriends made a couple suggestions because I wanted to change my OB/GYN.  

  3. ask ur mom or best friend

  4. I would: 1st decide women or male then look in the phone book for a several close or within my driving range,then I would google them , then call their office ask some questions and see if I get that errr feeling or the WOW they sounded really nice.

    Next time give your area and someone close might refer you to a good doc.

    Best of Luck

    Oh Yeah and if you live in a descently big city ususally their are sliding fee scale doctors you can go to if you don't have insurance.

  5. ask friends, family members, co-workers, I find those to be the most reliable resources, especially if they really like their Dr.  When you get a couple names, call and see what they charge and how long before you can get an appointment

  6. walk around with a pair of stirrups and ask people if they know what they are

  7. i didnt im male

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