
How did you get involved in your favorite hobby?

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How did you get involved in your favorite hobby?




  1. When i first saw Michael Schumacher on telly in 1991 i enjoy him and his races etc since then i still continuing the hobby i have now got 16 portfolios and its still expanding i cant say how long i will continue with it but i have enjoyed doing it immensely i suppose it will never end. and when i am dead my son is going to inherit them as there are some items and articles worth a great deal of money.these portfolios are big and hold a great deal of items and articles.bigger  and thicker than a scrapbook.

  2. My fav. hobby is music.

    When I was little , my mom used to play the piano for me all the time and when I was five, she asked me if I'd like to learn.

    I started taking private lessons when I was five.

    Once I was in 5th grade, I just started trying every new instrument I could get my hands on.

    Sometimes, I have so save up my money to buy a new instrument, and sometimes I can just use the ones at school.

  3. I sew. My mother taught me how to sew when I was 5 years old. I haven't stopped since.

  4. I was given a camera as a kid. I loved capturing moments with it! Still do. It evolved to a scrapbooking hobby. Now, documenting the history immediately around me is what I love.

  5. My favorite hobby (which I turned into a small business) is soapmaking.I started this hobby while walking around a local arts and crafts store with my mom since she got into jewelry making.I went into the soap/candle making section,picked up a soap making kit and things slowly started to gain momentum.Within in 3 years time my soaps went from"Agh" to"Wow"!Most of my best soaps are -milk&honey/oatmeal spice/vanilla cream/rosewater&glycerin/italian herb kitchen/green tea/lavender citrus.

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