
How did you get involved with video games?

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i wanna no how you got involved in gaming. I dont care what kind of gaming, if you wanna here my reason for it say so and I will and dont worry how long it is, i will read every single word of them.




  1. I got into gaming when i was about 8. All my friends were doing it and it became a sort of craze and became the reason for social gatherings.

    Now am 100% addicted and still have a life!

  2. I guess I remember the first time I played a game was Kirby on the original GameBoy, though I guess I'd always been happy playing my friends consoles, but I was never there long enough to really say I'd ever played anything.

    My parents bought me the GameBoy and two games (Kirby and 'The Real' Ghostbusters), and I spent all day playing Kirby. Managed to get all the way to the cloud level (the second to last one) before getting game over :)

    Couldn't get past the first level in Ghostbusters though, since I didn't read the instruction manual. But in all fairness, neither could my uncle, though he didn't read the manual either. I haven't really read any manuals since though :D

    First proper console I had was an N64. My parents bought it for me and my brother. Came with Mario 64, which I loved. My mum became obsessed with it. She even managed to get to Bowser before me :(

  3. i was 4, and my neighbor in my apartment had a sega genesis with sonic, so i went every day and played, then when i was 6, i got the gameboy color, and it just went from there

  4. i grew up with video games, had atari and one of the first nintendos because my parents had them...i also had games on a dos comp way back when...mind you i'm only 21 but i've been playing comps and consoles since i was old enough to hold the controller or type. and now it has ivolved to games like world of warcraft and halo 3 (various others too )  

  5. My parents said that when i was 2 years old and i would cry, they would place me on the couch as my older cousins were playing Mario on NES and i would just sit there and be quiet and watch...

    I've been a huge gamer ever since... it's one of the things in life that can calm me down when im mad, or cheer me up when im sad, or p**s me off when i lose hahaha

  6. I got involved with RPG and FPS console games when I was 19 after I moved out on my own.  Was a great way to pass the time after work.

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