
How did you get invovled with Yahoo! Answers?

by  |  earlier

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i completely forgot




  1. By accident.

  2. I lost a bet.

  3. my friend used it for questions we had.

    then i made one.  

  4. I was searching for help with my homework and a question on Y!A that answered my question came up. I was like, 'this is amazing!'. And I joined. :D

  5. i googled something and yahoo answers came up. back in June 2007. this is my second yahoo account :)

  6. I googled a question and a link that showed up was on Yahoo! Answers.  

  7. I wanted to know how many calories were in a bowl of Chilli hahahahha

    You should answer mine:

  8. I asked my older brother and he said '' i don't know why don't you ask on y!a'' and i said ''what's that?''

    That's pretty much it.

  9. curiosity mostly

  10. I happened to be bored one day and explored other things on yahoo, it was yahoo answers

  11. search bar. i was trying to find out where something was located on my car and the browser directed me here. then i saw one of my now contacts hot avatars and decided to see what was up with this place.  

  12. I wanted to answer stupid questions.



    I love the ones where people are like "Am I pretty?"

    Whether they're pretty or not. I love saying no.


  13. my very good friend in the real world got me on here now she's moaning she can't get me off x

  14. A friend told me about it and she warned me that it was "addicting".

    She was right.  I joined in 2006 and I still go to this site!  :-)

  15. i followed the scent.....

    ......of beautiful ladies....

  16. my friend told me about it last year.

  17. my daughter told me about it

  18. I was on Google asking a question and all of these yahoo answers things came up so i went on it, loved it, and made a new email on there so i could do it! I used to be with Gmail.

  19. i was looking up stuff and i noticed alot of the answers were from yahoo answers so i decided to join&i love it.

  20. My sisters hair was falling out and stuff and i also had a problem, so i googled and came onto here! One year later, here i am! :)

  21. I typed something into google and this came up

  22. I was chatting with some random girls on Y!Messenger. I asked her "hey, whats up?", she replied, "Nothing much, just browsing Y!Answer", and I was like, "Oh, what answer you're looking for?", she didn't replied.

    After that I take a look of Y!Answer and realized, I should have asked her, "Which section you like the most?" instead. Anyway, after browsing it, I found several questions I can easily answer, and then, that's how I get involved with this.

  23. My friend and I found it when we were playing on Yahoo Games at a sleepover.

  24. i wanted to ask a question and googled it and this site came up

  25. i got a yahoo account and then i discovered yahoo answers and i thought it was fun so i got involved but then i deleted my account and spent like a moth w/o a yahoo and than i came back and made a new account and here i am answering your Q

  26. My friend was telling me way back in January or so about how she asked a question on a place called Yahoo! Answers and people were giving rude answers to a serious question. I didn't even know what she was talking about.

    It took me until May to finally check it out. Now I'm completely hooked.

  27. my friend was like "yeah we get on during class and its so much fun"

    and im like "ooh!"

    and then i got addicted

  28. everytime you search a question on google it comes up , so i starting using it to find out stuff , then got an account :)

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