
How did you get rid of your c-section shelf?

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I just reached the 6 week mark after my second emergency c-section (tried for VBAC) and am beyond ready to get rid of this shelf.

I would like to hear from women who have lost this "shelf" and how did you do it, and how long did it take?




  1. I am just now starting to get rid of mine and my son is almost 4 months. I even weigh less than i did before i got pregnant... My doctor told me it might not ever go away.

  2. Well it has been 11 years and I still have some of mine left.  It is quite annoying.  The muscles are pretty much shot down there.  I think the best thing is to try to remember to hold your stomach in so that it builds up the strength in those muscles.  When I have done this, it seems to help.  I have about decided that liposuction is the only resort for what I have left.

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