So here in Orange County, I found the best way to get into bartending for a girl, is to start off at like a beer and wine bar, stay there for a while and get your skills down, and after a year or so, give it a shot at some full bars.
But, beer and wine bars arent that common. And when there is one, its a bikini bar!
I worked at a bikini bar for about 6 months, but they were nice and didnt make me wear a bikini just a short skirt with fish nets and a busty top. But that bar closed down.
So anyways, my question is, if I dont want to work in a bikini bar, whats the best way to get into a bar? I like venue's that play shows. They are more my kind of crowd.
If your a girl bartender, how did you get your job? I dont want to go to bartending school. Its kind of frowned upon here in OC.