
How did you get your overkill achievement in halo 3? ?

by  |  earlier

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i'm having a very tough time getting it. when i ask people to help, i can never get 4 ppl to do it, and there's always at least one person that ruins it. when i try doing it on my own, there's never a fourth person to kill...




  1. i heard my brother talking about that before but i dont remember much except like idk i guess theres this map where its like king of the hill ? i have no idea. its where you have to stay in this certain spot without getting killed and so what you do is not go in it just stay out of it and kill all the other people ? lol sorry if im wrong i reallyy dont know.

    but i think its better if you add my brother and you can ask him how to,

    since hes working right now, you can add him to his thing and when he gets home i'll tell him to accept, im sure he'll tell you.

    heres his thing  DTOxLegend

  2. go to your xbox dashoard, go to the right, click on "system settings" (top one) and then go down to the fourth one (language) and go down to the very last one (chinese).  go back to your dashboard after that, and go to halo, go to matchmaking (no-brainer, it's the second one, under campaign), then choose the playlist lone wolves (a REAL no-brainer, this one's in english).  *IMPORTANT* then before you start the search, click X and then choose the last one ("my language only") and then ask everyone there.  they will comply and you'll get you're overkill.

  3. i got my first overkill in lonewolves

    it was a swords match

    evryone was fighting inone spot so i just went and killed everyone

    also in swords if you see two people fighting and they just dont die throw a grenade easiest double kill ever

  4. i got lucky and had 5 other people that wanted to do it, so we all took turns assasinating each other...

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