
How did you go into labor?

by  |  earlier

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did you start having contractions, did your water break, or did you have to be induced?




  1. i started havng contractions and after i was almost fully dialiated, my doctor had to break my water

  2. With my first 2 I was induced. With my third, I went to my 39 week check up and when the doctor checked me, I was 5 cm dilated! So then we started driving home, got almost there, and my water broke in the car. Contractions started about an hour later. I was in labor for a total of 9 hours with the first child, 5 hours with the second, and 4 with the third.

  3. i had my daughter at 1:28 am wednesday September 5 2007.i went into labor the sunday before..easy labor though i sat at home with my husband with mild contractions for 2 days enough to keep me awake at night not enough to be admitted..i went to the hospital at 10:00 am tuesday and they sent me home..then around 8 that night it got worse and i had finished eating chili cheese dogs (i later threw those up) and i started to cry because it hurt so bad (had i known how bad it was going to get i never would have had a tear!!)i had to pee so i got up and there went my water!we went to the hospital and i had my daughter 100% i am 4 months pregnant and excited for my baby not excited for labor!!

  4. With my first, I was 36 weeks. My water broke and I had no other signs of labor and was induced.

    With my second, I was 38 weeks. My water was leaking and I was having mild contractions and was given pitocen to sped up the process.

  5. Christmas Eve - just got a house load of visitors from interstate who are hungry and want lunch. Breach Baby Due by C-Section on NYE 04 at a hospital over an hour away from home.

    My best friend rocks up with Lime Green Towels she got for xmas (I has been lookin everywhere for months for some so she had to show them off) - Standing on the steps getting all excited about her towels, trying to con them outta her...My waters broke...I thought I wet my pants.

    She stuffed her new towels between my legs, waddled me downstairs and put me in her car. She went upsatirs to get my partner, who called the ambulance.....

    Gets funnier - Brand new ambulance, I was the first patient, all new mod cons, bla bla bla - pretty big for a regional town like this. About 10 k's out of town there is an alarm type beeping....Oh no - Keep Calm - this new ambulance is almost outta fuel - cos no-one thought to check, just assumed it would come full. Turn around, head back into town and fuel up. The Photo's are charming as you can imagine and the video would be censored if I had a choice...Over an hour in the ambulance, 6 hours waiting for surgery and my lil boy born at 8.36pm. The Best Christmas Present Ever.


  6. 8 days overdue 2 hours mild labor water broke.. more labor for 24hours.. then i got a epi and had labor for another 24 hours till baby was born exactly 48.5 hour after 1st contraction

  7. One of each!

    My first - my water broke, gave birth 5 hours later

    My second - went into labour, gave birth 2 hours later

    My third - waters broke but no labour, so doctor used drugs to induce, gave birth 3 hours later.

  8. I have two girls and was induced with both of them.  if you end up being induced don't worry people make it sound much worse than it actually is.  I will be induced with this baby as well provided that he makes it to 39 weeks (unless they decide that he needs to come out earlier).

  9. I had a contraction in the morning then 2 hours later my water broke. Got to the hospital had my baby 9 hours later.

  10. With my first i was induced 10 days after my due date.  They broke my water to start me off, which worked well.  I had an epidural, laboured for 14 hours, pushed for 3+ hours and my son had to have the vacumm.  He was big, 9lbs 10oz. and I had 4th degree tearing.

    My 9 week old daughter, i was induced at 38w 1d.  12 hours later she was born, very easy delivery compared to my son.  No tearing or anything, she was 8lbs 4oz, and we went home 12 hours later.

  11. I went to the hospital because I thought I was in labor, & the midwife accidentally broke my water while checking me so I had to be induced.

  12. 1 contractions started but never amounted to anything so ended up being induced.

    #2 water broke then into contractions big time - baby boy born 3 hours later

    Whatever happens with you - go with the flow and know that when your baby is born it is one of the best feelings in the world. Best of luck.

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