
How did you handle this??? PLEASE HELP!!!?

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My MIL has started getting touchy of my belly (im 24 weeks prego) I normally dont mind people touching me but she has to go supper low! She has started a new thing she tries talking to the baby through my tummy but goes so low that it feels she is about to touch my C**t. I feel uncomfortable about it. The last thing was she kissed my tummy so low that I pushed her head away (I felt like she was gonna start eating out) after I pushed her head she said "I was kissing the baby not you!" Of course I was not nice and said back "no thats my stomach not the baby you kissed me!" How do you handle this (if its happened to you) I want to just push her infront of a bus half the time.




  1. Congratulations on your pregnancy! Wow! I would have probably already pushed her! lol I can't believe she is touching you like that! I had people from work and actually strangers ask to touch my belly and with my first baby, I was not a touchy person AT all. My ex MIL would just come up and touch my belly as well and I finally told my hubby to tell her to please not touch me because it makes me uncomfortable. When I had my son, I had gone through enough by that time that I would just tell people. "no touchy!" and they would leave me alone.

    It's your body and you know what you're comfortable with. She may get her feelings hurt but you might have to just tell her to please stop touching you, it's your child and she's welcome to hold the baby and talk to him once he gets here, but until then she needs to respect your wishes on this matter and really only your hubby needs to touch your stomach. Good luck with her! =)

  2. That was the worst part about being pregnant - everyone wants to touch your belly. Leave me alone already - I don't go around touching you! My mom was the worst, followed by my husband's friend - his wife was prego too. Honestly the only person I wanted to touch my belly was my husband. But that didn't stop anyone. Good luck.

  3. That's pretty creepy.  Can you just tell her that you're not a very touchy/feely kinda person?  If she knows otherwise by now, you're just going to have to tell her how you feel.  You could start by bringing it up with your husband and get a feel for how she'll react.  Maybe he can act as a buffer and the next time she goes for your nether-parts instead of your baby bump then he can tell her to lay off.  Chances are, if she's a typical mother-in-law... she'll at least listen to him.  Good luck with that.

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