and what were your circumstances?I have been on the list for a year now, im with my partner and have a baby.
I've worked since leaving school 10yrs ago so have paid taxes & never claimed a penny in benefits (untill recently when we had our son as we get child benefit £80 per month and tax credits £80 per month)
We are struggeling to afford to pay our rent cos the recent rise in house prices also drove up monthly rental prices.
I'm sure there must be thousands of you in the same situation especially now with inflation, gas, petrol, food prices all going up.
What gets me is how a single girl of 16 can go out get herself pregnant then lie to the council that her parents have kicked her out and get a council house handed to her on a plate. These girls dont even pay the rent cos they dont work so us tax payers pay for it.
There r people like me and my partner who work hard but have a much worse standard of living then they do.
My local council keep telling us its gonna take 4 - 6 years