
How did you know that you were pregnant??

by  |  earlier

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me and my husband are trying to have a baby. we have done all the right things..have s*x as much as we can when i'm ovulating..and my period (if hopefully i/m pregant!) shouldn't be arriving in a couple weeks..however, it is normal for my period to be irregular because i excercise alot.

my question is..

for yall personally, what were the first things you noticed about yourself that let you know you were pregnant?? i'm really hoping that i am!




  1. I was 2 days late with my period. It always came on time. But that was the only sign that I was until the sore b*****s and nausea came knockin.

    Good luck and I wish you the best

  2. I wasn't even the one who realized that I was pregnant. My fiance and I were enjoying a movie together one night and he was eating a plate of chicken next to me. (I'm used to be a huge chicken eater.) Once he asked me if I wanted some I asked him to move away from me because the smell was making me sick. He joked around by saying "are you pregnant?".. my mouth completely dropped and we immediately ran out to the store to get a test. Sure enough, it was positve. lol. The morning sickness kicked in full time a few days later, and all I would eat was fruit and salads.

  3. I was becoming really angry over little things that my husband would do about two weeks before my period and i was already nesting, my house was never clean enough. I tested on the 28th of august and had a positive result. Also i just felt different and my boob's began to be sore a few days before my period.

  4. first thing was extreme tiredness, that lasted for around two weeks and started at conception then sore b***s, then the butchery at the supermarket made me throw up. i didnt need a test

  5. Well the doctor told me!! But I knew something was wrong bc I was having a little trouble doing my PT I also couldn't stand the smell of anything but toothpaste... I didn't have any other symptoms

  6. Days leading up to my missed period i had really tender b***s! My partner even commented that they looked much bigger thank normal but i put it down to being due my period, i also had heartburn too. I'm wishing you all the luck & Lotsa baby dust to you *~*~**~~

    :-) x

  7. I didnt think I was, and I was in denial for the first 2 months. I hadn't had my period and didn't think anything of it. Then, I started getting realllly sick, and thought I had the flu. But then, found out that I was pregnant when my friend made me take a test.

  8. i noticed that i wasnt craving chocolate like i normally do before i get my period and i was extremely tired. my morning sickness didnt kick in until i was about 6 weeks...

  9. sore b***s ,heartburn

  10. my b***s were sore, and certain food that i ate all the time was starting to taste nasty to me

  11. my bras started to not fit, and i got really tired. alot of the early pregnancy symptoms are also symptoms your period is coming, so really until you miss your period there isnt a way of knowing. but good luck

  12. my mom noticed my hips were getting big, and I felt like i had the flu. I thought personally I had a tape worm. I didn't believe it til i took a test

    and then I still didn't believe it so my dad bought me a digital one and I still didn't believe it so i went to my docs and they did a blood test :)

  13. i started to loose weight. and my period was late for 2 weeks. then i took the test.

  14. Run out and get a home pregnancy test kit and go from there.Good luck.

  15. actually this might sound weird but anyways my periods were always irregular and one day my bf said i think you might be pregnant i said i dont think so i figured i was a lil stressed and thats y its was a lil late i guess well he bought me test and low a be hold i was 5wks & 5 days to be excat

    i hope you are and good luck in all you do

  16. I started feeling really dizzy/ light-headed, a couple weeks before I found out. As well as occasional cramping. (Not the same as period cramping)

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