
How did you know which path would be the right path for your life

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Is you life self dictated, or left to god or chance or circumstance or disposition?

Are you a person with a lot of will power?

Would you say you have power over your life and destiny?




  1. Nobody will know. But you have to choose one.

    As Goethe in Faust said : Insofar as I am static, I am enslaved.

    A true story about one of chief directors of Mac, he was dropped out from favourite college and favourite class, instead he had to attend to class which only few people attended to, kind of stuff which student would not be favour of, but he liked it. and later it has brought him into his success now. and he said : you can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have

    to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust and do it.

    So do not be blinded with the end of the path you can not see along your way. If you enjoy what you do, it brings quite alot meanings for you. If you believe, you will be surprised !!

    the last, pray still does its miracles.

  2. Personally, I don't know whether I am on the 'right path' or not, and at 72, I have come to the conclusion that it really doesn't matter. So I just get on with enjoying it.

  3. There is no "right path" hon! We're all stuck in the middle of the chaos and even our own minds are fairly random! The decisions we make are neither logical nor well informed.

    The question you should be asking is are you happy? If not, what needs to be changed?

  4. I dont think i am still on the right path at present, lol. We all go through stages where we feel kinda not sure about which path to take at the present time. I leave things to God, chance, circumstance and fate. I do have quite a lot of will power, takes a lot to break me down. However, i dont think i do have the power over some of my life, that is dictated by destiny and fate and external factors beyond our control. I am quite an organised person, however, even the most organised people cant always control what life has in store for us. We just have to believe in our decisions and hope we are on the right path as much as we possibly can be...

  5. I steer as much of my life as I can, but sometimes circumstances are out of control. Then the only choice left is to decide how to face them. So I  have plenty of willpower... until confronted with a donut.  

  6. I only see 3-5 years from now, anything more will proove wrong in most cases... Some they already did, some are a really big surprise for me lol...

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