
How did you know you were feady to have s*x?

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please don't say you will know ~ details please.

how did you know?




  1. FEADY?

  2. emmmm honestly i dont know...... i had s*x before i was ready....

  3. when i was married.

  4. I was ready (physically ) to have s*x long before I actually had s*x, fortunately by the time it happened I had fallen in love, but way before then I had been in 'lust' as they say many times.

    It just never quite panned out and it wasn't for any lack of desire.

    Most folks are ready physically by about 14 or 15 but emotionally we are never really ready because until it has happened we have no idea of the emotional consequences.

    Sometimes these lead to very distressing situations especially if an accidental pregnancy has occurred.

    So when you are thinking about s*x a lot (as in the actual desire not the giggling variety) you are probably physically ready, a lot of people want you to wait, not because you can't be sensible about known risks like STD's and pregnancy but because it changes a person immensely and often in young people that change is hurtful and has long term emotional consequences.

    It is why most parents are desperate for their children to wait at least until they are 18 even though this seems like an eternity when you are 14/15.

    Especially as all your mates are apparently 'doing it'  and others are being teased about 'still being a virgin, so she must be a L*****n' etc.

    The cliche is generally accurate though, you will 'know' as it is a combination of the physical and the emotional, but that is not to say you should. That is a completely different evaluation and relates to the attitude your potential partner has to you and you to him on a whole range of issues.

    Take care, as it is a great treasure that should result in a time to remember.

  5. if you have to ask then you arent ready

  6. I don't know.

    I'm not in a stable relationship.. or married.

    You need to be in a relationship where you actually love and respect your "boyfriend," and he loves and respects you back. I'm not talking about lust, where you think he's hot, and you "dream about him at night." That's puppy love, or infatuation. Real love grows. It does not pop out of nowhere at "first sight."

    Besides, I don't want my first time to be in highschool. That is lame. What's the point, when most high school relationships don't work anyway...and you end up "heart broken??" Then, you regret losing your virginity to some 16 year old loser on his bunk bed?? Yeah, that's great.

  7. I'll know when I'm sure that the guy that I'm with really loves me for who I am...and not for my body. Because virginity is a very special thing. And it should only be shared with the special person...cuz one it's cant get it back.

  8. sorry but you seriously do just know...

    I love my boyfriend with all my heart and i knew it was the right decision.

  9. when you say I do : )

    but idk im 13 :P

  10. You and that special person will be IN LOVE.  There will be nothing you do not share including the gift of your bodies, you will Make Love, tender, sweet love, with patience and anticipation.  It won't be just about who gets off first.  There will be lots of time, dinners, walks, cuddling in movies prior, courtship.  Very old fashion word for a lush, timeless period of falling in love.  

    It isn't just a case of Lust, because if your partner says no, not yet, you wait, because you want it to be special for them.  

    It is't just wanting to "u"k a girl or guy because they are cute, or built. or have something you want or can get you something you want. Or is someone you can brag about doing.   It isn't all about you. And you do not want it to be all about you.    It is about us, that nebulous person that you merge into with your partner.  That is in love.  It is worth waiting for.  Until it happens you won't understand and after it happens you will regret every one night stand, every fake relationship, every manipulation you ever used to get 'sexed'. You will feel shamed that you did not value the power of love. That you thought it was all about intercourse and you getting yours.

    It will taste foul and there is no going back to fix it.  

    All you can do is go forward, and let love's sweet balm heal your souls.   That is all any of us have.

  11. you know your ready to have s*x when:

    you don't have to ask your self if your ready.

    you feel comfortable about it.

    your doing it bcause YOU want to.

    you don't have any doubts about it.

    you love the person your going to have s*x with.

    there's may ways to know.

    anymore questions just message me

  12. u have to be ready for s*x mentally and physically when i say mentaly i mean kno that u trust and really luv the person u are basically giving apart of ur self too. Make sure the person u have s*x with is something you are not. I mean if u are imature make sure the person u have s*x with isnt.because every person u have s*x with  u take on a peice of them

  13. I knew the day i said I do to my husband when we was married we had a great experience that night as it was a first for both of us and i would not trade that feeling for anything in this world that is how i new i was ready

    i think if you have had s*x before you get married you don't get a honeymoon they is no since in it since you have already had the part that comes with that it is not a honeymoon it is a vacation as a honeymoon is special for the ones who waited

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