
How did you know you were pregnant?

by  |  earlier

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What were your first signs and how far along were you when they occurred?




  1. Two positive HPT's!

  2. i just kind of knew. I was 3.5 weeks when I found out. I also had a dream that I was having a girl, so I took a test, and it was positive. So were the 2nd and 3rd ones.

  3. My period was like 2 weeks late and my b/f kept saying your pregnant go get a test! so i did other than a missed period i have no symptoms!!

  4. I think i was bloated from the moment of conception!!

    I was pregnant once before but had a miscarriage...just after we got pregnant and before we knew, there was one day that I was just pissed! At everyone. Lasted for one day, then I was back to normal. It happened again this time and I had a feeling I might be pregnant again. Then I missed my period.No many other signs for me besides, bloated and not gettting my period, and one seriously moody day!

    Then the pregnancy test was positive.

    A couple weeks later I felt like c**p. All day sickness from weeks 6-15. no fun!

  5. i didt find out till i was 3mths, i had my period to the 3rd month and that was it i went to the doctors and it came up on my test i was pregnant

  6. i missed my monthly.then i took two tests both positive saw doc who dididnt take a blood test because she new i was preggo then got morning sickness

  7. Unprotected s*x, and a two positive pregnancy tests a week after conception. Sore b*****s.

  8. My missed period was always the first sign...but I got really nauseated from smells that had never bothered me before like car freshener etc.. I could not stand the smell of hamburger meat. This happened with all of my pregnancies usually around 6 weeks.

  9. I didn't get PMS - and I always got really bad PMS, I felt very energetic, and had a little heartburn so I took a test 5 days before my missed period and got a positive result! The symptoms of nausea and exhaustion didnt hit until around 7 weeks.

    I was 4 weeks along when I found out.

  10. I actually didn't know I was pregnant.. a friend of mine asked me to go to Birthright with her to so she could get tested and she was afraid so I told her I would do the test too and then the lady working there came out and said we have a positive and a negative ( which of course I knew I was the negative) so my friend started crying and the lady that worked there told her she isn't the one pregnant.. SO as you can imagine I was SHOCKED!  I had no symptoms and hadn't missed a period or anything.  So I found out just by being a good friend..  

  11. Late period.  Really the only indicator you can count on.  I was only a few days late, but am usually really regular.  

  12. I knew a few days before my period was suppose to arrive. I just had a gut feeling not to mention my b*****s were so swollen and so sore I couldn't get some of my tops on! I was also repulsed by coffee and cigarettes (I drank coffee daily and smoked) at that moment I knew I was pregnant. So I quit smoking that second and sure enough I was right!

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