
How did you like NASCAR letting Jr. litter the track with his back bumper?

by  |  earlier

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He should have been black flagged with 5 laps to go, but no let bits and pieces fall off the car... 3 tires at Jr's expense...




  1. your driver must have finished behind jr.

  2. I don't know what ou were seeing>  He probably came ahead of your driver,

  3. they never penalized him a lap for his tire violation

    tire outside the box

  4. He can't even win when he has a good shot. Just drives off into the wall 2 different times.

    Give GORDON and JOHNSON the best cars at Hendrick, at least they can drive them!

  5. Give it a rest already.

  6. Okay I have read a bunch of different posts and answered some and not bothered with others. First: I listened to the race on Sirius and he didn't just run up into the wall his tire went down and he lost the handle.( that one is for you down at the bottom and if you are so good why have I never seen you on the track with the big boys) Second: All the Hendrick guys have the best equipment but GUESS WHAT? the rest of the competition has figured the COT out and has caught up to Hendrick Motorsports. Third: There is a minimum speed allowed on the track and as long as a car can maintain that speed and doesnt have any major issues then NASCAR lets them stay out, obviously JR's car didn't have pieces falling off or they would have made him come in plus most of that time the race was under caution so if anyone lost a tire from something off his car then that means the safety crews missed something or hadn't got to it yet. Thank you and lets just all enjoy the racing instead of whining about every little thing I am a Dale jr fan but realize he has a long way to go in winning a championship and OH YEAH all you other JR fans he did win the shootout I know it isnt a points race but it is still a race.

  7. hay thebest, he didnt drive into the wall you idiot he had a flat tire. then the second time he hit the wall was probaly from a now bad car or just a slip up like every other driver who has raced in nascar has done.

  8. It is so funny you crybaby Jr haters being so whiney about stuff. So it was another conspiracy to get Jr a better finish right? Make other drivers get flats so he can move up. YOU ARE A MORON!!!!!

  9. get over it, if you dont like it dont watch!

  10. LOL

    Unhappy with the finish huh?

  11. hes nascars golden boy. his fans and everyone else go blind when he does something wrong...they tried to secure a win for him but he cant drive and hit the wall. what a disgrace to nascar...why do so many like him. hes got the talent of a 3 year old

  12. What I liked even better was nascar letting him, blow the doors off the safety equipment, during that caution !!

  13. There was no debris falling off the car it was dingling from his bumper.

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