
How did you make it..??? plz help me out?

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Me and my fiance really wants to have baby, we have been trying for a while, but the thing is His brother girlfriend has a baby and she is fixing to have a baby and his dad's wife is fixing to have one too. and my two best friends just had a baby a few weeks ago i am happy for them i really am i did go and see my friend after she had her son, i could not stay long i just could not do it... and today we went to see his dad seeing the baby stuff and her and his brothers girlfriend I got really really sad i am happy for them just i just don't know what to do, how can i make it to where I am not so sad... does anyone know how I feel.?? How did you dell with it.


btw I an going to find out tomorrow what the test showed and see if I have PCOS




  1. I think you should put off trying to have a baby until you are comfortable with your self and what direction you are going. What's the rush to have a baby?

    I've been around people with babies and have had very similar feelings. The more people you are around that have babies will just make you feel like you want a baby. It's not exactly the ideal situation to get pregnant without being financially stable, have stable jobs and home life. Focus on all the wonderful things in your life right now instead of focusing on how you wish it could be.  

  2. i hate to tell you but until you have your own, the jealousy doesnt go away. you just have to keep strong thats it..   i had to do it for almost 4 years and now i am 5 1/2 months prego...  i was in your position at one point, really the only thing i could do was avoid people who had babies... i mean if i knew they did deserve the child then i was okay but if i knew it was someone who wasnt going to love that child unconditionally then i hated it and wanted to call dss ...  so instead i stayed away

  3. Just keep tryin but i wouldnt be sad over it. It could be a sign.... Just wait it will happen if it meant to be.  

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