
How did you make such a big risk by moving away with hardly anything?

by Guest58396  |  earlier

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I'm always curious about those stories you here of people with a few hundred dollars in their pocket & they decide to move to New York or Los Angeles. How do they do it? Is there anyone or do you know anyone, that has ever done something like that? I heard Madonna went to NYC with hardly any money, lived in an abandoned building, until finally someone noticed her. I'm just curious as to how people take that risk and what do they do once they step off that plane?! I'm a girl with a plan, I don't think I could ever do that.




  1. When i was younger (about 23 yrs), i went out to visit with some friends who had moved out to the Greek islands. I had a wonderful time, but  when it was time to leave........ i just couldn't. I had no mortgage, no responsibilities & was single. so i said i wasn't going, slept on the roof, paid my way by cutting hair on the beach & washing up in a cafe.

    I did this for 2 years & loved every minute of it, & to this day, i've never regretted the time i took out & the lovely people i met.

    Now days it all marriage & work, so its good i played when i was young.

    ps. i was with friends, & always knew i was safe.  

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