
How did you meet your muslim spouse?

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im curious as to how in todays society muslims meet.. its hard and difficult since community life isnt as it was years ago.. No one knows their neighbors, towns are huge, you dont know people.. So can you tell me how you met your spouse.. (Im in the mood for some nice romantic stories).. thanks ^_^..

Oh.. I knew my husband from university (although we knew each other as babies due to our families being friends) Oh. also I initiated the proposal.. I asked my mother to talk to his mother.. and of course, he was delighted...




  1. My husband met his first wife on the computer.  I think he met her on a Muslim matrimonial website as well but am not sure.

    He met me on

    My husband married me a day after he turned 28, and I was 19.

    No children from me, as I don't know when I'm ovulating(insha ALLAH I'll be taking ovulation tests in September). One miscarriage with his first wife. No other children with her as of yet.  He says he feels sure both of us will give him children.

  2. Still single.

  3. I Met her  IN my dreams !

  4. My uncle was a friend of the family, that's how we first met them and then Allah did the rest! ♥

  5. We wrere introduced through mutual friends.  I used to attend a weekly sisters meeting and so my husband's cousin came to check me out one day and then we were introduced to each other by our friends. Not very exciting of a scenario I know, but this is usually how it works these days.  

  6. am young as u see!!

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