
How did you overcome your fears when procrastinating on completing an art project?

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I have learned that I am afraid my piece won't live up to my standards, so it remains incomplete, yet I want to finish.




  1. I had the same problem a while ago but i set myself a date when it had to be finished and worked on it until that date. it also helps if you use up most of the space on your page so there is no white bits then it looks more compleate

  2. Deadlines work. Pressure does a lot to a person. If not, try setting it aside for a few days and the next time you see it you'll find it has new life.

  3. Worry, guilt, fear, and procrastination rob our joy. Worry caused the fear which caused the procrastination, and guilt will follow because you are not working on the project. As as artist, I've dealt with similar feelings. Just think, so what if it doesn't work. It's a piece of paper, canvas, paint, or what ever it is you are working on. Stop worrying about the outcome and enjoy your work. If it is a deadline project, you certainly won't finish if you continue to do nothing. Try singing while you work. As silly as it sounds, start laughing at the project. If it's painting, flow with the colors. Follow your ideas, like what you do, and accept what happens as your best.

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