
How did you spend your vacations while in school?

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How did you spend your vacations while in school?




  1. Staying home and reading, watching tv, playing games, and stuff like that. lol. I only travel in summer vacations, not vacations for one week during the school year. =]

  2. No cool road trips to Disneyland for our family... my mother was from the hills of West Virginia and every summer we took our 2 week vacation down there to help them 'bring in the hay'.  

    They got more mechanized as I got older, but originally they cut the hay and heaped it by pitchfork onto flatbeds pulled by horses, then forked it into the hay mow (pronounced like now). I was on the hay wagon moving the hay around so they could get more on it.

    After I was in high school (I'm early-50s now) they had a neighbor with a baler come in and bale it. Then we went out to the fields and the men threw the bales up to us on the flatbed and we stacked it in neat rows about 6 or 7 rows high. They we took them back to the barn where a conveyor belt took them up to the hay mow for stacking.

    We hated 'putting up hay'... it was hot, (late August) sweaty, back breaking work. You got the hay chafe in your clothes and hair. Worst of all, my grandparents had no indoor plumbing... so we went down to the Ohio River (Ohhhh, the pollution) to wash it all off. As kids, we thought that was the coolest. As a teenager.... not-so-much.

    I hated it then, but I respect the work we did now. And I am proud to tell people what I did...I'm not longer embarrassed by it.

  3. like spring break? i go to different states.. like one year i went to  a fall out boy concert which was completely awesome :) hbu?

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