
How did your beliefs form?

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If you have religious beliefs, is it the one you were raised in? Or did you do some soul searching to find the right match? Or did you reject indoctrination altogether?




  1. I lost all hope and no one could help me so I cried out for help to Jesus.

    I said Jesus I am a sinner.I believe You died on the cross

    and You rose from the dead.

    Please forgive my sins Jesus

    Come into my heart Jesus

    Jesus took me from the pits of h**l and lifted me up to

    a heavenly love and a feeling of peace and blessed assurance.(Which means You know you will be with Jesus in heaven when it is God's time)


    Jesus really really loves all of you

    And if I didn't love you  I would not be here

    spilling my heart out to you

  2. I was offered a free home bible study.  It helped me turn my life around.  I researched by my self also and I will tell you the only ones who were ever able to answer my questions from the bible were Jehovah's Witnesses

  3. well I was a blood washed christian till God said for the first time to seek his face. First time I ever heard the words seek his face at the age of 23. And he said it audibly to me. Then I see these words all over the place like they always have been there.

    Now I will be perfect without the blood. So Jesus does not have to be my sacrifice. When I understand God and depart from evil. When my seek is done. When I behold the glory of his face.

    So I have a faith no one taught me but God.

  4. I was born into a Christian family.  I remained with the church I was raised in until I was 15.  We were Southern Baptists, my father was Catholic.  At 15 I broke with the Christian faith for MANY years and explored Wicca, Scientology, and many other paths.  I never found fulfillment with any of these for any length of time.

    Then God broke through to my heart and I had to go back to the church I was raised in (different church same religious affiliation).  For the first time I found out what it was like to actually be a Christian.  My heart was filled with a completition that I can only say came directly from God.

    The Holy Spirit filled my life and things started to make sense.  Bible verses I couldn't understand before were opened to me.  I think about God constantly these days.  I pray many times a day.  My life has completely turned around and I am so greatful that God didn't give up on me.

    He is such a awesome, wonderful, magestic God.  He loves all his children so much.  It's really about getting a relationship with God.  Until you've done that it is hard to feel really connected.  Many people I feel think they are Christians but there's always something missing for them.  It's right there waiting for them to find.  The incredible help of the Holy Spirit.  

    It was one of the gifts Jesus told us about before he was crucified.  That he was leaving someone in his place to help us.  Call on the Holy Spirit, I encourage all Christians who feel that they just are being fulfilled.

    Love in Christ,


  5. I got my beliefs from Mom and Dad.  Being the youngest and the only child in the house from age 13, I had long talks with my mother and after she died, my father.  I also keep up with the news and there has been much proof of what is in the Bible being true.  I have to believe all of the Bible if I believe any of the Bible.  I am primarily Pentecostal but was raised Presbyterian, and then went to Baptist.  They just don't fill the bill anymore.  I don't go to any church right now though.  I have done a lot of soul searching and have found I cannot and will not live without God in my life.

  6. Went to Catholic school, was sometimes forced to go to church. Didn't much care for it and I became an atheist after looking at some other religons at age 14.

  7. I was raised in a Christian home, my friend...........and I'm very thankful for it................

    God Bless..............

  8. Facts & science

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