
How did your man propose??

by Guest65467  |  earlier

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How did your man propose??




  1. It was before his company Xmas party. I was finishing getting ready in the bathroom. Checking my hair, makeup that kinda thing. He was walking back and forth, back and forth in the living room. I could tell something was up but I just figured he was getting super hot in his suit. I walked out we hugged. He started to tell me a story about a conversation him and his dad had, "when you know you found the one" conversation. Then he reached in his pocket and grabbed the ring and asked. I was so shocked all I could say was "Are you sure" He still doesn't let me forget that! And then I said yes!

    It was the best Xmas party I had ever gone too!!

  2. well it was our 2nd anniversary and we had reservations at the melting pot.. while i was getting i told him i loved him and he said i love you more and i can prove it, and he got down on his knee and pulled out my engagement ring! haha but he put it on the wrong hand.. and i didnt even realize untill like 3 minutes later..

  3. Like in the movies.. .:D Though I will keep to myself which one though...  

  4. Didn't really need to do it openly. We were talking about marriage 2 to 3 months after we first knew each other, and we got married barely a year after knowing each other. Because there was a mass wedding held by the Singapore Hokkien Huey Kuen, so we thought it was a great idea to join in.  

  5. my husnamd of two months proposed at christmas at my parents house. he is an avid bowler and we had begun to bowl in a league together but I had no equipment.  for christmas he bought me a pair of shoes.  he stuck the ring box inside one of the shoes.  Both my parents and friends knew he was going to do it.  My father helped him pick out the ring at eht jewler.  It was wonderful.  

  6. we were in a long distance relationship (12 hour drive away)--we were both at school. i made dinner and curled up for a long night of tv. i hadn't been able to get in touch with him ALL DAY and we usually talked twice a day. so i was kind of upset and confused. it turns out, my friend had been helping him plan this all week and when she came in, she actually had just walked him to our house from the main parking lot. the whole reason i couldn't get in touch with him was becuase he was driving to see me--what a huge surprise!!!!

    after we all stayed up playing cards and hanging out, we got ready for bed and i noticed that he wasn't looking too good (i thought he was going to be sick). then he popped out the box and asked me to marry him!

    we've been married for a year and a half now!

  7. we went to see the sunrise on the beach and he proposed.

    there were even dolphins  in the ocean that morning (obviously not planned, just lucky coincidence)

  8. In casualty one weekend after i had a nasty asthma attack  

  9. Nothing fancy but it was very nice. It was my birthday and we were at my sisters house and after the cake he got down on one knee in front of my whole family and asked me if I would marry him. Everyone else knew it was gonna happen cause he had already asked my parent pemission. It was very lovely.

  10. He hasnt lol

  11. i don't have a man, but my dad proposed to my mom at a mall. How romantic...

    He said, "Hey, wanna get married?"

    and she said, "Yeah, sure."

    ...I love that story. :) I hope I get proposed to like that....:)

  12. While eating artichokes he said "So I was thinking, if you want, maybe you should pick out a ring".  I asked him "Are you asking me to marry you" and he responded "if you want to".  How romantic huh?!  Hard to believe we are in our 30's!!

  13. well I am not engaged but I do have a couple stories of people proposing that I think are fantastic.....

    my dad opened the bottom of a cracker jack box and put my moms ring inside. It was her favorite snack so when he gave them to her she found the ring.

    A good friend of mine went to the CN Tower in Toronto with her boyfriend and he had the staff come out with a cake, balloons and flowers and he got down on one knee.

    Cute ideas!

  14. we where at friend house on new yrs and he made a toast to one of are good friend that was moving. then he goes i also have one question to my wonder friend/lover will u spend the rest of ur life with me in-front of 300 hundred People......

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