
How did your parents give you the s*x talk the first time that they talked to you about it?

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did anyone's parents actually do the whole birds and bees thing? and how would you explain this to your kid if you had one?




  1. my mother just gave me a book. not very helpful. i had to learn everything on my own.

    when my daughter was 8 and asking questions we went to the bookstore and i read the book with her. it was an age appropriate book. since then (she is now 12 and has "come into age" we have open discussions about s*x, boys, relationships, and biology.

    the biggest key is open communication. if you can't be open with your child, now is the time to learn. if you can't be open with your parents, find a trusted adult you can be open with.

    good luck to you

  2. my dad just said to me don't do anything before marriage and that was the end of it  

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