
How different is online poker?

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I've played poker for a while. I don't however play online. I've only played with other people or on "play" money. I know play money is supposedly very different from real money. On Full Tilt Poker free rolls i usually end up in the top 100's but lose when they throw one of those -one person gets a really good hand (2 pair or so) and the other gets like a set. Anyways how different is real money online poker and would i be good at it? Throw in some tips while your at it i guess.




  1. More addictive i would say... id stay clear its easy to drain your credit card

  2. I think that online poker is getting to be quite similar to live poker these days.  The casinos are flooded with aggressive Internet players who want to try their hand at the 'real thing.'  So I think the line between live poker and Internet poker is fading a little.

    As for real money, if you are talking low stakes, I think it is similar to play money.  I sometimes play the $200,000 play money sit and gos on Poker Stars, and the standard of play here is at least as good as a $20 real money tournament.  Let's face it, you have to have some skill to work your bankroll from $1,000 in play money to 200x that.

    All that said, low stakes play money games are nothing like real poker.  People are just trying to go all in and win a massive pot, knowing they can just get more play money if they lose.  So by point of comparison, I think it depends how high your play money bankroll is.

    From the way you worded your question it sounds like you think that Full Tilt deliberately create action hands (like 2 pair versus a set).  But don't think like that.  Once you start blaming the poker site for your losses, you are not being honest with yourself.  Cold decks happen all the time.  Just last night I was playing live poker in a sports bar, flopped a flush, and my opponent rivered a Royal Flush!  I doubt they were stacking the deck to make that happen.

    I started playing online back in 2003, and waited until I had made one million dollars in play money before I bought in for real.  There is a learning curve.  Just play low stakes, don't risk too much of your bank roll.  Don't move up to higher stakes until you consistently beat a game.

  3. yea i play it online its pretty funof course its different but not that much the players at the table usually arent very friendly but if you want to play some poker and your buds arent available its a great alternative

  4. There are are definitely adjustments and considerations you need to think of when playing online.  Remember the biggest factor is that you are playing on the INTERNET.  The anonymity of the Internet allows bad players to play even worse since they don't have to see you in person!  Also, since you have an increased hands per hour rate, you will see a higher amount of bad beats.  These two coupled together might make it seem like the poker gods are out to get you.  The key is to remain disciplined!  Winning at poker online requires *that* much more focus.  If you ever decide to deposit money to a real money site, you can get bonus info, secure deposit/withdrawal tips, and reviews at Hope this helps.  

  5. Online poker is much looser than live poker as a rule. This provides both good opportunity and possible frustration.

    Because it is a looser game than live, the tight aggressive skilled player can win consistently. However, you will see a lot of hands that will outdraw your good hand. This is a byproduct of the loose play and does happen quite a bit.

    Online you need to be pretty near certain you have the best hand, maybe an unbeatable hand, before you push in all your chips.

    And there is a theory about online poker called the Action Flop Theory, first postulated by a poker pro. Here is a link, judge for yourself if you think it is true.

    Take it slow and easy at first online, pick a site, play for free for a while and make player notes!

    And here is a link to some online poker strategy:

    Good luck!

  6. You have to compare playing live games with on line poker. I have played both. The problem is with on line poker you can be playing anyone - 16 year olds to skilled players. You can watch their betting patterns but still have no way of knowing what you are up against. One of the most important skills is reading players. It is said that poker is a game about people that is played with cards. Not seeing the players puts you at a serious disadvantage. It's harder to bluff and it's harder to read a bluff. I am not convinced at all that cheating does not exist in the on line poker sites. It's hard enough in a casino. You can be up against several people playing as a team and if they are good it is hard to detect. They can signal each other to give information. They can raise the pot with nothing and just play the odds that one of them will win and then split the money. Once I held a jack high flush. My opponent held a queen high flush and the ace was on the board. This was a very big pot. I raised and he called - and won. I am sure (but cannot prove) that the person next to him said in a very low voice "I laid down the king". So if that can happen in a live game (it's rare but it definitely happens) just think of some players at an on line table communicating with each other via telephone or e-mail. I would never risk any serious money playing on line. I don't care what the sites say - it just isn't a good bet. As the previous poster said it is also very addictive. One of the most addictive forms of poker is video poker because of the immediate gratification. I think internet poker is similar so be careful. Playing internet poker will not allow you to improve your game. There is a strong psychosocial and interpersonal aspect to poker that cannot be duplicated online. Good luck!

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