
How different the world would be if Al Gore was chosen as the US president instead of GW Bush 8 years ago?

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Would Gore be able to handle world crisis like terrorism, economic downturn and enviromental problems better or worse?




  1. as gore IGNORED al qaeda for eight years with clinton its truly doubtful he could handle anything.  he didnt win his own home state for a clear reason.  yes things wouldve been diffferent. we would surely be in this forum speaking a foriegn language.

  2. A much better place.  

    September the 11th might not have happened.  Bush diverted funding from what is now the war on terror before those attacks.

    We still might have been in Iraq, but we would have had the world behind us rather than laughing from the sides if we had done so.

    And Gore might not have encouraged the bad investments in the sub prime market like Bush did, which is the main cause for the current downturn.

  3. The U.S. would still be in Afghanistan

    but not Iraq

    Gore didn't have a personal vendetta against Iraq like Cheney and his puppet Bush did.

  4. Honestly it's hard to say.  I think Bush doesn't think most of the time before he does something, but if you really try and put yourself in his shoes most would have done something similar back in 2001.  The man had only been president for mere months when 9/11 happened.  Hindsight is always 20/20 as they say.  I think with Gore we'd either be in the same position or worse off.  I'm not really sure even the greatest leader could have gotten us out this one.  We'd probably not be in Iraq... but heck you never know.  

    Bush has done a right awful job, but who's to say that Gore would have been better?  No one knows that for sure and speculating does no good.

  5. I'd be wearing a hijab and we'd have sharia law courts like the Brits do.

  6. If Gore would have been elected to the Presidency, there wouldn't have been a 9/11.  We would not be in Iraq.  And we would not be $4 trillion deeper in debt.  

  7. We would now have sharia law.

  8. I'm a brit so I don't know him that well, but who could be worse than george, we probably wouldn't be at war, and there would definitely be fewer terrorists in the world, george has been a disaster for the whole world.

  9. America would still have friends in the world.

  10. Yep, alot more Americans would have died on 9/11 and another attack would also have happened because he's another clueless elitist.

  11. There would be a lot less funny quotations on the internet

  12. well they wouldn't be the laughing stock of the democratic world...

  13. Al Gore are you joking That butter ball That man can sit cross legged for hours and still be at ease with a smile He goes to the beach and must stuff his speedo with those carbon credits He is making so much off the Brits, euros and Cannucks and they love him as they can relate to him

  14. We would all be rainbow farting vegetarians with really long lasting lightbulbs I'm sure.

    Not that it would be any worse than what we have now necessarily.

  15. Depends on what his response would have been to 9-11.  Highly unlikely the whole "global" warming nonsense would have been on his mind with so many other aspects too think about. So highly unlikely it would be much different.

  16. The country would likely be in a depression right now.  With nobody to try and stop what the Clinton machine did... We would without a doubt be worse off.  Of course he wouldn't be doing the global warming bit, he only came up with that while locked away in his basement after losing the election... I wonder what Barrack will come up with after he gets snubbed in November.  

  17. The Twin Towers would still be standing!

  18. Yes, we would all be speaking Chinese.

  19. I think Gore would have been better!  

  20. the Iraq crisis would have been handled better , thats for sure  

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