
How different will Internet be in 10 years?

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Ten years ago, Internet just had like around 1000 websites and most of them were either government websites or top companies.

Today, just ten years later; there are billions of websites.

Now instead of just reading a basic black and white page of text, you can shop, watch videos, tv shows, movies, play games, read the news, call people, video chat, work, edit movies, surf the net.

You can do anything on the Internet and the graphics and sound are amazing.

Imagine how the internet is going to change in the next, 10, 25 and 50 years!

Do you think the internet will be like a 3D video game where you just walk your character through this huge world kind of like grand theft auto and go to virtual stores and shop, go to office buildings and work or maby order fast food and it will physically get to your house through a machine?

Or maby we will connect our brains to the computer and go into the internet with our whole minds?

The internet will be like a drug.




  1. There will be continued improvements in bandwidth, economy, reliability, accessibility, and availability.  Video content is already increasing dramatically.  Eventually we'll figure out a way to intelligently mix broadcast and demand-driven traffic.  Then, cable TV as an entity will fade away.  Immersive and interactive video games and virtual worlds will become more practical and prevalent.  There's very little that I buy that's sensibly sold in a bricks-and-mortar store rather than online.  UPS is quickly becoming the universal delivery mechanism.  A bank building makes absolutely no sense.

    Fast food makes no sense unless I happen to be located where it's prepared.  Once voice and video technology get mature, there'll be much less need to commute.  "Hey, Charlie" should be as convenient to the next continent as to the next cubicle.

    Connecting the brain more directly to a computer (input or output) will likely take a lot more than 10 or 50 years.

  2. Well at the moment there is a new network called the "Grid" that has around 55,000 servers on it. Mostly researchers and science departments. Probably some government entities on it too. It's 10,000 times faster than the internet so an entire movie download would be just a second or two. I like the idea of a 3d type of network but even that may be inferior, it might be holographic like a holodeck on startrek, wouldn't that be cool.

  3. I'm definetly marking this as interesting!

    I have thought about it too

    to be honest I can't imagine where the world will go we will have to wait and see because already 'bionic eyes' have been developed and I didn't expect such things so soon.

    Technology is increasing exponentially not steadily if you know what I mean.

    Probably the most impressive things yet would be what you said, to have out conssionsness submerged in the internet. Like a trance...

  4. That would be so cool! I sometimes imagine these sort of things and just stay thinking of how cool it would be, maybe it will even be possible to be transported by the internet to any part of the world!

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