
How different will the world be in 100 years? Your thoughts?

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With everything thats going on around us, how long do you think the human race can last? how will it effect us all in the long run. im intrigued to discover what people think the world may be like over the next 100 years? new laws, new techology or anything.

Hope to hear lots of interesting answers




  1. things will never be the same!!

  2. The Greenhouse effect could cause the world to be only water. Because of the cars on the road,the new technology and littering. Good advice-don't have children!

  3. i think with new technology will come greater ways of destruction.

    i predict a major world war, resulting in the end of the human race.

    hopefully ill be dead by then :]

  4. Technology is moving on and in a hundred years it will be phenomenal.  Cell phones will be built into our heads and dialing will be done by words.  Cars will run on hydrogen, so will airplanes.  Congress will still be sitting on their as**s doing nothing but deciding where to go to lunch.  Wars will still be raging ......this will never cease.  We will probably place a probe on Jupiter and Saturn and know all there is to know about Mars and Venus. We may learn how to curb hurricanes and tornados.  The thing that will not change is that humans will still hate one another no matter hard religion tries to teach us goodness and love they neighbor. Medicine will undoubtedly make great strides in its approach to various illnesses.  I just hope that the world will still be around for all of this happen.  A few atomic bombs placed here and there and it is all over for us.

  5. There will be a lot of more water since the ice caps would have all molten by then.

  6. Personally I don't think Global Warming will have a huge change on the world within the next 100 years but will be a problem in time. In a 100 years I think that the real estate market will be huge and there will be houses everywhere, that the medical Field will have found cures for hundreds of diseases, technology will slow down and everyones point of view on the world will have changed to a more righteous rebellious feeling. I mean look how much the world has changed since 1908 there was no telling what was going to happen and its the same with us. None of us can predict what will happen...

  7. I don't really care; I will be dead.

  8. well i was told that in the next 100 yrs all red heads will probably be extinct bummer for mi hay.haha

  9. i think that more people will be angry and less people working i dont think thatthe world will be much different

  10. they all gonna starve unfortunatelly!

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