
How different would the christian/pagan symbol of a cross as a necklace be if Jesus....?

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was actually brutally mauled by a walrus on his way carrying the cross?




  1. I can just imagine people walking around with a Walrus arond there neck. Amusing.  After this question gets deleted, why not try a real question.  I gave you a star anyway.  

  2. I propose that it would have then been an old shoe, representative of the way he looked after the walrus was done munching on him

  3. Did you ever stop to think that if the pilgrims shot a bobcat instead of a turkey then we'd all be eating PU-55-Y on Thanksgiving?

  4. If and when Jesus comes back, WHY THE FXCK WOULD HE WANT TO SEE A CROSS??!!

    I think he'd be thankful for the walrus necklaces!

  5. What's your point? A walrus hanging from a neckace? I guess it would be accepted without any question. :-))

    (A walrus????)

  6. He was, bible says so.  Mine anyway.

  7. LOL nice.....Too bad walruses are not indigenous to that area of the world.  

  8. The cross is actually a very widely used symbol in ancient spirituality, even before Christianity.

  9. Hmm..Daħħqtni ehh.Il fatt huwa differenti.

    God bless,hanini.

    Nissaponi,difficli li qed tgħix f'pajjiz daqshekk Kristjan,eh.

    (Since the asker is Maltese,I answer in his native langauge)

  10. Reminds me of the George Carlin routine where he

    asked what if Jesus got the electric chair ? Would

    the Christians all be walking around wearing little

    electric chairs with Jesus frying in them ?

    Point being, I suppose, that they want to remind

    everyone just how big a sacrifce Jesus made "for

    you and me"... and how much we owe him now.

    The 40 million Pagans they killed aren't even on the

    radar screen I guess.


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