
How difficult can it be to find Bin Ladin?

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This question comes up often. It seems that many people believe Hollywood's version of US assets.

If you are really interested in knowing the reason it is difficult, take a look at my blog entry: "The Hunt for Bin Ladin."

If you already have an idea, tell me here.

And if you refuse to know the truth, but still complain that we should devote all of our efforts to the pursuit of a single man rather than fight on the battlefield where we find AQ, well, I just don't know how to overcome your political blinders.

If you have a reasonable idea on how we could find him, please share. Remember I said reasonable.




  1. With all the cash floating around.

    Should'nt be any difficulties.

    Even the late poor old Saddam can popped out of the burrow.

    Just that there is no bits and pieces left over the tora bora mountains.

    Ever wonder why the cash were unclaim?

    Maybe if we can clone one for all those cash.

  2. Finding graves in the desert is hard unless a pyramid is built over them.

  3. The next time we mysteriously receive a video tape, we look and see who sent it to us. If it is posted on the internet, you follow the packets... if it's sent in the mail, you check with the postal service. You may not find the exact location of Bin Laden, but you will learn the general area the package was sent or uploaded from.

    Listen, if you or I sent a death threat to someone, say Dr. Rice or D. Cheney, we'd be tracked and found using some version of the above method. Within a day!

    It's odd that we can neither find Bin Laden or the anthrax attacker. One really must wonder why.

    Unless you think it is possible to mail or send something in such a way that it is untraceable. I'd love to know how that works.

    This whole thing is a little bit like the black boxes mystery of 9/11. On the one hand you have the government claiming not 1 black box was found in NY, and on the other hand, you have three new york firemen saying, yeah, we found one and turned it over to the feds.

    After a while, it comes down to how can you trust when there is obvious deception.

    Bin Laden is on dialysis. That is a medical procedure that has to be maintenance. Your average Arab cannot afford this, certainly that gives us something to track.

    But no, none of these obvious things are the answer to those that want to keep the man hidden away.

    I frankly do not trust my own government any more, and that's truly sad.

  4. It is to difficult to find Bin laden--  He is dead!!!!!

  5. You cannot find him because he is dead. I do not believe that he is alive. Not a single video or audio tape came out recently which was proven to be not a fake. he was suffering from cancer so far as I know. With a bounty on his head someone would spill their guts already, if he was living. So, I belive what the US government should put on a prise for telling there his grave is.

  6. man he's dead just his name is spoken in this world.......

    he's no more in this world.......

  7. As soon as I hear that someone is actually looking for bin-Laden, I will ask them.  GWB says it isn't a priority, but it seems that someone responsible for planning the death of 3,000 Americans should at least be arrested.  His reasoning, as usual, seems faulty since committing just one murder can get you the death penalty.  But, I know that the bin-Laden family is in partnership with Bush, so it's easy to understand his illogical logic.

  8. Exactly.  The guy is a slow cripple now, connected to a kidney dialysis machine, and the only arab that is over 6 feet tall.  Put a 100 million dollar bounty on this dirt bag and he should be caught and handed over within days.

  9. You forgive and forget.


  10. When did WW2 end? Was it when we killed 100,000 n***s or when Hitler died? He killed himself April 30th, 1945. Germany surrendered that day and the war officially ended only 1 week later on May 8th. So why wouldn't Bin Laden's death be just as powerful? My idea would HAVE BEEN to send our troops where we believed him to be, which was NEVER Iraq. If we weren't wasting all of our treasury on this war in Iraq, which we started, then we WOULD have enough resources to scour the Afghani and Pakistani mountains. But no, our government chose to send 80 Special Forces, that is 80 individual people not whole troops, into Tora Bora where we knew he was at that time. He escaped and Bush had to do something. So let's go get a baddie that we know of his location, brilliant! We send 80 people after the guy who directly killed thousands of Americans, and thousands of Americans after someone who has never directly attacked America. That is the hypocrisy of our government officials. Cut the DEA's budget in half and that would be $1,200,000,000 (that is in the billions) that is freed up to capture the most dangerous man in the world today. But then the war on terror might actually end and why would they want that. No more reason or funds to "spread democracy".

  11. I heard he's staying out at the ranch and working at Home Depot in Crawford, but who can find an employee there?

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