
How difficult could it be?

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I would like to know preferably like how hard or what you did to make either UCLA or UCSD? I want to know what your GPA was and the extra curricular activities you did along with the leadership positions you held that helped you get into either UCLA or UCSD. I want to hear your experiences and if you can apporximate how many people got accepted to these schools from your previous high school.

Thanks this would let me know where I stand in this world of competition. Please do not send me links. I have already been to them.Thanks




  1. As a UCLA Alumni I can tell you that at times UCLA kicked my *** academically. But that all depends what you major in. When I started attending UCLA I was a Biology and Math major and boy did I have to study hard! I went from having straight A's to having some B's. UCLA is definitely challenging but when I switched majors it became a lot easier. The key to making it at any school is to stay focused and study.

    When I applied to UCLA, I had a 4.3 G.P.A., I was president of the student body and of another club, I was involved in sports and dance, I volunteered and I worked. I got pretty good SAT scores but not the best. I had an essay that kicked *** (at least I thought Only 5 people got accepted from my school but that can't really tell you anything about whether or not you will get accepted. UCLA accepts about 20% of its applicants.

    However, you can't compare yourself to others to see if you will get in. UCLA and UCSD review their applicants in a holistic manner, meaning they look at everything from you scores (SAT, GPA etc)) your essay, what you were involved in and what you can bring to the school. So, don't worry if you don't look like the average applicant. Apply it's worth a shot.  

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