
How difficult is Portugese? How is it similar and different from English?

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How difficult is Portugese? How is it similar and different from English?




  1. It would take a while to go from English to Portuguese, and if you were planning on continuing your education, I wouldn't suggest you study in Portuguese.

  2. Hi!!

    Well, Portuguese is one of the most difficult languages in the world, but it is easy when you learn the grammar, as I did...

    There's word I could say that's similar in English like:

    - Shopping, e-mail, fax, and too many others that I can't remember to list...

    but there's lots of differences like:

    - Portuguese's "H" has no sound, it's just for grammar;

    - "W, Y and K" is not in Portuguese alphabet;

    I can teach you portuguese if you want, just mail me... (MSN) (YAHOO CHAT)

  3. Portuguese is very complicated. Portuguese is very closed with Spanish, Italian and others Latin languages.

    I think if you want to learn Portuguese you must study a lot. The verbs for example are extremily complicated. See how is the present tense of the verb to go (=ir em portuguese):

    Eu vou            - I go

    Tu vais            -you go

    Ele vai            ............

    Nós fomos

    Vos fostes

    Eles foram

    This occurs with all verbs, even the regular verbs are complicated.

    But nothing is impossible. Study a lot!!!!

  4. I am Brazilian, and I have lived 8 years in Canada and UK.

    Portuguese is my mother tongue and I am fluent in English.

    I have to say that the two languages are VERY different. Portuguese is a latin based language that is very close to Spanish, then some what close to Italian (but not as neer as close as Spanish).

    Potuguese is not as fonetic as Spanish (in Spanish you speak exactly the way you write), which means that in Portuguese there are more sounds (fonetic sounds) than in Spanish, wich makes a Portuguese speaking person to understand a Spanish speaking person but not the way around. In Portugal, you easily find people that speak English (specially in the tourist areas and young people), but in Brazil is harder to find, although in Brazil people are extreamely friend and they will find a way to understand and communicate with you.

    I hope it helped.

  5. Portuguese is very different of English. My first language is Portuguese and I learnt English. They are very different and you must hear very much to learn speak well. Portuguese is from Latin like Spanish, Italian French...

    However Brazilian Portuguese is different of Portuguese from Portugal. Because we had immigrants and they changed our Portuguese.

    It could seem very difficult but I think worthwhile because it is very a beautiful language. And you can know the culture of other people.

  6. I've been studying on my own and find it's easier and more fun than Spanish.  However I can't find any local Portuguese speakers and may have to switch to Spanish.

    It's nothing like English.  

    I can read a paragraph now.  Or at least I thought I could read a paragraph in Portuguese until I read what the person above wrote.  I have to do what he said and use an online dictionary.

  7. It is very difficult to learn portuguese, it is more similar to spanish, italian and them Mediterranean languages. I don't think it is at all similar to english. I know so because I am portuguese myself but living in england at the moment.

    But nothing is impossible, you can still learn portuguese and I think the best way to learn it is by listening/speaking.

    Good luck!

  8. Yes portuguese, is very beautifull but, don't is very easy.

       "Bem, seu português estará bem se você, ao menos conseguir traduzir este texto, sem a ajuda de ferramentas ou dicionários on-line, afinal a língua do povo nem sempre é a mesma que aprendemos no dicionário".

  9. Portuguese is as easy or as difficult as any other latin-based language. The grammatical structure is very different than English but once you learn that it becomes easier as it makes more sense than English (all non-sensical rules and tons more exceptions to the rules!).

    My mom moved to BR in her early 20s and spoke a little Spanish at the time. She found she went from 0 to almost fluent in 2 years. That's about the usual amount of time it takes for anyone to learn any language if they are immersed in it. My husband came to Canada and went from 0 to fluent in English in about 2.5 years.

    Make sure you learn Brazilian Portuguese rather than Portuguese from Portugal or the islands. I've heard frequently from linguists that BR port. it is easier to learn than PT port. as the Brazilian version is frequently revised and is 'more grammatically correct' - whatever that means?

    Boa Sorte!

  10. it is difficult..  but i think its mainly the pronouciation  that is difficult.    if you know some spanish.. it would be very helpful with grammar

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