
How difficult is it for an American to go to college in Italy?

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Getting accepted, not speaking the language very well, tuition, forth and so forth. Any info is appreciated!




  1. The most difficult part of the whole process is actually dealing with the Italian consulate here in order to get the necessary paperwork to study over there.  They're very strict and formal about having all the documentation months prior to heading over there.  Research the consulates website and find out the specific documentation you need and the deadline dates.  If you're in college right now you can go to your 'study abroad' department and they should be able to handle most of that for you.  There are so many American universities that have schools in Italy that will set you up with housing and allow you to pay tuition costs through their university (which allows you to pay in dollars and use student lones).

  2. First of all, in Italy we don't have colleges...our education is mandatory until the age of 15, but you have to complete high school, up to the age of 19, before you can enroll in University. So, I guess that, to be able to enroll in an Italian University you will have to have studied at least for 13 years. If I'm correct, you finish High school at 16 or 17, and then go to college, in the US? I don't think a US high school degree would be enough to get into an Italian university. Verify with the Italian consulate or Embassy. Apart from that, it shouldn't be too hard to get a student VISA.

  3. It is not so difficult belive me.

    Most people speak English. Tution is lower than in US, housing is cheapest in Europe... The only one problem is a crazy drivers all over the streets, you should take care to not die when crossing the street and be careful even in Metro :))

  4. don't worry!!! italian college isn't so terrible!!!we love americans and surely you will find something that will help you with languages and all the problems you will have!friendship is easiest than in america

  5. its really easy.

    in italy most universities (including the best ones) are public and so tuition is cheap and access is granted nearly to all. even if sometimes u have to do a test to be admitted there are usually a number of places reserved for foreigners, this means people from outside the EU.

    the only problems i can think about are

    1- how to get your high school recognized, but usually universities have special offices for foreign students and you should be able to find them by internet and ask if u need to get more credits (in italy high school lasts more than in the states, unless u changed the system in the last five or ten years)

    2- the language. teaching is exclusively in italian and u will have to show that u know the language to get admitted. but they tend not to be too strict with that.

    the main problem is that universities are not like in the states, different systems, no big campuses, only a few people get housing provided by the university, the rest have to manage by their own, and exams are mostly oral, not many written tests...

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