
How difficult is it for you to accept that a person not belonging to your Religion ??

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would still be loved and accepted by God .. ???




  1. People can believe whatever they f*ckin want until they think that includes the right to throw bottles at my head and call me f*ggot!

  2. Very easy;

  3. I could give a c**p less, and if by my God you mean Odin, he doesn't love anyone, except his children and wife, Frigga, whose very name means "beloved."  He doesn't love me, but he sure expects a lot out of me =)

    As for your god, I dont think about it.

  4. It is difficult for a lot of people, especially for those who condemn everyone who believes differently to h**l.


  6. Impossible! Only those who believe EXACTLY as I do are correct or worthy of love!

  7. "Everyone who doesn't believe what I believe and in exactly the same way I believe it deserves to burn in h**l for eternity."

  8. the Christian Bible states that ALL are made in ithe image of God. to me that means that no matter what religion you belong to or what your ethnic background, your skin colour,your religious belief, ect. that God stills loves you and accepts you as one of His children. If God does that then can i do any different. i am a christian and a Catholic. i believe in the Christian Bible and in the teachings of Jesus Christ who administered to all no matter who they were or what they believed. as a follower of Christ i am called to follow His teachings and do the same with out questioning.

  9. No problem here.  

  10. As a Christian, I can categorically say that all Christians (exceptions may exist) believe Christ came into this world for all and not just for a few (read Christians).

    I firmly believe that the Kingdom of Heaven is for all.

  11. I have no belief in god. But it wouldn't take anytime for them to be loved and accepted by me.

  12. Accept them as a fellow human being...not difficult at all... And yes they will be loved by God but not accepted as a child of God; only if they are Christian will they become children of God and be accepted as a member of God's Big Family...

  13. Says who?

    I don't think that.

  14. No problemo.

    God loves everyone, born or unborn.

    God love you!

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