
How difficult is it having a two door car and an infant?

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I bought a new eclipse for a graduation present and then found out a couple months later im pregnant!!!! i dont think trading it in or selling it is an option.

how difficult will it be?




  1. I had a 2006 eclipse (which is the new body style)... I dearly loved my car, but I traded it for a new 4 door avenger because there was no way the car seat was fitting easily or properly in the back seat of the eclipse.  

  2. its difficult but not impossible. I try to park away from other cars, since you have to open the door all the way to get the car seat out.

    Also, its kind of a pain for the passenger, since the car seat is rear-facing, the front passenger seat has to be pushed really far up, not leaving much leg room.

  3. My son's a week away from his 1st birthday and we're still using my 2 door Civic. It's been frustrating a few times, but for the most part you just get used to it and get into a rhythm. Once we switched to his bigger convertable seat I thought it would be near impossible, but we still made it work. I can't wait til he's forward facing-- then it'll be cake!

    Actually, when we go on trips we're even still able to fit our little dog crate beside him in the back. It's not as easy as a 4 door, but very very doable. You'll be fine... good luck with the rest of your pregnancy!

  4. It's pretty difficult. It will get frustrating when you want to take the child in and out of the car quicker.  

  5. if i had a car that was paid for, i would deal with the inconvenience (slight inconvenience)

    if i was paying for my car (which i am) i would get a 4door if i could afford the trade ;) it's just easier with 4 full doors, esp. when your baby is not little anymore, but still in the infant seat...i hurt my back countless times swinging her up into the back seat w/ a 2door

  6. with a small car like the eclipse, it will be a pita. but you can do it.

    i had a full-sizedd 4x4 that was 2 door with 2 children. not the easiest, but i managed.

    as long as you only have the one, the eclipse will do you fine. but if you'd rather not go through the pain of crawling over/behind the front seat all the time.... yes you can trade it in for a 4-door. i know i did. from the dodge ramcharger to the jeep cherokee.

    besides with the 4-door you will get more trunk space (in a car).

  7. i hear it's a killer on your back, but you do what you have to do. atleast you have a car, right?

  8. I found it to be a little frustrating, but I dealt with it. I probably would have still had it if I only had the one child, but got a bigger 4 door car when I had my 2nd.

  9. We do it.  We're moving and didn't want to sell our car too soon so we've just dealt with it.  You'll be able to handle it.  It can be  a little awkward at times, but being a new parent is a bit like that.  You'll adjust and be fine.

  10. I would say frustrating and difficult but you'll find a way to deal with it just as you'll deal with the 3 am feedings and such.  I have a four door car and I really would love something a little higher like an SUV or (gasp!!) the dreaded mini van!  Its hard on your back to have to drag out the car seat and get it settled and such.

  11. It's frustrating, but can be done.  My Hubbs has a two door SUV.  He doesn't have a problem adjusting his seat and crawling in the back to put her in.  I on the other hand can't stand it when I drive his car.  Takes too long to put her in.

    My bro and SIL both have two door cars.  My SIL can't stand putting my niece in but it doesn't bother my bro.

    When you get the babes' carseat practice taking it in and out.  Mind you it will be a little easier with out the big belly in the way!

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